There's always a need to run test. It's the one hormone responsible for your man hood. Don't run it and see how you feel.
Although that is definitely a true statement, Trestolone is giving Testosterone a run for its money.
I absolutely agree that Testosterone should be ran with EVERY compound (as a base at the very least), but Trestolone can absolutely take its place in a cycle or even when ran solo.
I can definitely tell a difference between Test and Trest. Trest causes increased core temp, better pumps in the gym, and causes my sex drive to go through the roof! Other than that, they are the same.

I read a study a while back that explained how Testosterone and Trestolone are so similar in the way they function, that they compete for the same receptors. I did a lot of research on this, because I wanted to know for sure if I needed to run Test as a base with Trest.

The problem (or benefit, depending on how you look at) is that Trestolone is so much stronger, that it renders the Testosterone practically useless.
Trestolone can be used as a complete replacement for Testosterone (I have done this several times, and have felt great while on cycle).
In fact, Pfizer has picked it up for this very reason. It is being researched for HRT, and also as a Male Contraceptive because it shuts you down so hard. I dread the day it's released, because I know the prices are gonna go through the roof!

I am not running Trestolone this cycle, because I think it is a good idea to rotate the two.
Test one cycle, then Trest the next cycle.
I believe that this will keep my receptors fresh and more responsive to the two compounds.

Anyway, please don't be offended Jo-Seef, my intentions are not to argue or insult you.
I hope that we are all here to teach and learn from each other.
I will do my best to find the study I referred to when I get time, but I vaguely recall it requiring some significant digging.

Thanks for the advice, and thanks for following!
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yes great LOG and you feel the Trest raising your core temp more so than Testosterone or you read it does this, or both brutha. Im down for whatever compound does this like a thermogenic, but i never ran trestolone, though testosterone is a main staple in my bodybuilding arsenal
I've taken a lot of Trest. You definitely feel it, and it makes you sweaty like crazy in the gym.
You should really try it man. All research shows it being the Test Killer!!
yes great LOG and you feel the Trest raising your core temp more so than Testosterone or you read it does this, or both brutha. Im down for whatever compound does this like a thermogenic, but i never ran trestolone, though testosterone is a main staple in my bodybuilding arsenal

I don't usually like any type of Thermogenics, but it's different with Trest.
Most thermogenics that I've tried make me sweat all day when I take them.

For some reason, Trest only makes you sweat when you are working out or being active.
I actually like it, because it lets me know that it's working.
I also think this is why it is so well known for giving such a nice recomp.

Don't get me wrong, I'm definitely not saying to throw away your Test, but it make sense to me to rotate the two from cycle to cycle.
I'm really surprised you haven't tried Trest yet.
I know there has been a very positive response to it on this forum.
It's hard to get, because they sell out almost as soon as they get it, but it's worth the wait.
You won't regret it if you do!
I'm almost out, and I'm on the waiting list for more.
Good thing I have plenty of Test to hold me over!
lol, don't be surprised bro, I'm just an Old School kind of guy and have always stuck to the basics lol, I say if it aint broken don't try to fix it lol
lol, don't be surprised bro, I'm just an Old School kind of guy and have always stuck to the basics lol, I say if it aint broken don't try to fix it lol

Nothing wrong with that. It's obvious what you are doing is working.

So, I know it's a little early, but couldn't wait until Monday.

I'm up 3lbs from 170 to 173 in the first week. Not much, but I'm cool with that!
DTA is supposed to be "DRY", but I spent the day at the Carowinds water park yesterday,
and noticed decreased definition in my chest and abdominal area.
Between that and just being fatter than I want to be made me uncomfortable all day.

I may need to cut down on carbs.
I have a plain bagel (no cream cheese) after every workout with my Post-Workout shake (Optimum Nutrition Pro Gainer) that already contains 85gm Carbs,
but that is the majority of my carbs for the day.
This gainer has always served me well, and I'd hate to drop it.
It's never caused me to gain any fat.
Anyway, Having something to eat with my shake makes my stomach feel better after a workout, and a bagel is just easy.

My sodium intake is very low, so I don't think that could be it.
With all of the AI I'm taking, I don't think it's E2 related either.
I'm probably gonna wait a few more weeks to take measurements, so we'll see how that goes.
I HATE relying on the scale!
That's gotta be the worst way to track progress, but I do it in conjunction with measurements.

Everything went really well this week though. I had no issues with the DTA other than the bloat (I hope it's not fat!).
I was just going to take 50mg on M, W, and F, but I added in another 50mg on Thursday.
Since I haven't noticed any sides, I wanted to go ahead and up the dose just a bit.

I'm going up to 75mg/EOD on Monday, then 100mg/EOD the following week, then 125mg/EOD, then 150mg/EOD.
I decided to start the PROP @ 75mg/EOD and see how that goes.
Presser said to go with 100mg/EOD, so I may work up to that.
It wouldn't last long that way, and I have plenty of CYP and E. So, I'm not sure if I need to or not?
I'll most likely end up getting more PROP, because I'd like to finish the cycle with it instead of CYP,
since it should make me hold less water.
I'm sure the Test CYP hasn't kicked in yet. I'm front-loading @ 400mg/Week.
I'm considering leaving the CYP @ 400mg/WEEK for at least 8 weeks.
I've just never ran TEST that high, and I want to experiment!

I'll also be dropping in 10mg/ED of the SuperDrol on Monday. Wish me luck with that!!
Like I said, last time I ran it for a few days, it made me mean as a snake, and I stopped taking it!

The DTA does cause quite a bit of swelling in the injection site, but no PIP at all.
I Really like the swelling effect, so I'm calling that a positive side!
I LOVE the way it makes my delts look huge.
So far, that's the only place I've pinned it, but I'm gonna try TRAPS/CALVES next week!

I have noticed some pretty serious increased vascularity in the gym already!
I saw veins in my legs/calves that I've never seen before, and the veins in my arms look like they are gonna explode.
I'm also getting pretty incredible pumps!
I was pretty psyched about all that!
I'm sure it's a combination on the IGF and the DTA, but either way, I'll take it.
I've also noticed a slight increase in strength already, so I'm gonna have to be careful with that.
I don't have INS, so I'm not looking to have any injuries.
I'm expecting the SD to help with increased strength even more, so we'll see!

I also wanted to mention that the DTA is soo smooth that I'm back-loading .5" 29ga slin-pins for my injections with no problem at all!

Anyway, I think that's it for now guys.
Thanks for following!!

I actually just now received my PROP and TREN from MB (Mass Builder)!!
Took less than 1 week after payment. Not Bad!
I'll start the PROP on Monday, but I won't start the TREN until the last week of SD (unless I just can't wait).
It really just depends on how things go with the SD.
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Wow you are very detailed!

LOL! Thanks Bro!

I don't know it you saw my edit, but I just received my PROP and TREN from MB!
Thanks to MB for honoring the Grand Opening Sale for me! That was VERY COOL!
I got a FREE bottle of PROP, and 15% off!
I can't wait to see how good the product is!

Thanks again!!
Please let me know!!

Let you know what bro?

If you mean the quality of the MB products, I definitely will.
I will also post a review on their review thread.
It should be obvious by now that I will be very thorough on everything.

The packaging was very nice, btw. The bottles came vacuum sealed!
I've never received any that way before. It's obvious that MB has his game together!

Thanks for following!
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My bad the page wasn't all the way down so all I saw was" let u know what?" My first thought was the sentence you posted 5 min ago but I guess you figured it out.
I've noticed there only seems to be 2 or 3 people following this thread.
I'm not sure how to change that, but it would be nice, so I could get a little more advice.

I'm here to learn as much as I can from everyone in this community.
Maybe I didn't do a good enough job on the Title of the Thread?
Let me know if you guys have any suggestions.

My first log received an amazing response, and I learned a lot,
but that was before the PH ban, and it was titled IGF / Prohormone Cycle Log.
It had close to 16k views!

I really enjoyed all of the communication and knowledge in that log.
It would be nice to have that again.
My bad the page wasn't all the way down so all I saw was" let u know what?" My first thought was the sentence you posted 5 min ago but I guess you figured it out.

Sorry about that. It was my fault.
I wasn't sure at first, but I went back and edited it.

Thanks again for following bro!