Cycling dbol like this??


New member
I was thinking running ~1G of test., possibly EQ (please check the 'Why EQ? ...' thread') and some dbols. I was thinking of cycling the dbol in a 4wk on/4wk off type deal @ ~30mg on workout days (3 days workout, 1 day off, for me ). I will be taking Liv52 along with taking in lots of water and cranberry juice (love the stuff so it's easy). Also will get blood work done. Cycle will last a total of 24wks.

Now my question is, will cycling the dbol like that be bad in that when I get off the dbol I will be dragging ass as if im coming off almost completely because of the lack of the circulating dbol? .... or will I still make great gains with the test, but when I am on the dbol, I will be getting super duper uber psycho gains (ok, maybe not THAT extreme)? I've only used dbols as a 'kickstart' to my cycles....should it be left like that or this way of cycling?

PS : I KNOW this will be harsh on the liver. Please do not just state that fact and leave it at that. I will have blood work done and if my liver values get too "out of wack" I will obviously stop. My question is NOT whether this will be bad for my liver, but if it will be optimal for muscle growth or not.

Thanks folks
OK for the most part orals like dbol and drol are meant to kick start a cycle until the main stuff kicks in. I honestly think it would be a waste to run dbol 4 weeks on, 4 weeks off because the results will be masked with the EQ and test(especially at 1g). I think the muscle growth by that time will be water and not the easy muscle and strength gains you are looking for. Is there a reason you are running a 24 week cycle? Getting ready for a show next season?
That will be bad on the liver, no? JK bro

I agree what MMX2 said about it being a mostly kick start but on the other hand I'd be ineterested to see what you get from it. It wont be as dramatic as the 1st 4 weeks obviously...hmmm
I dunno, i personally run dbol at the end and in the beginning to help solidify the gains since it help with protein assimilation.