Cyto burn - side effects


New member
So i have started my cyto burn+aqua burn cycle.

i started off super low on the dosages and noticed that my heart was pounding about about to jump out of my chest.

i figured this means the cyto burn was working .. now that i am on day 3 & 4 i have doubled the dosage since day 1 & 2 yet the heart pounding is no longer there. .

is my body just getting used to it? i am going to continue to up the dosage but i was just wondering

the heart pounding was the only side effect i noticed... what are some other side effect you guys notice while on cyto burn.. ?
The heart racing could be from the Aqua Burn too, they are thermogenics so they will increase your heart rate to a degree. Are you getting any headaches at all?
Some side effects you could possibly expect would be anxiety, sweating, shakes, lethergy, cramps (from the loss of water)...
Only negative sides I ever got from Cyto burn is the feeling of being on fire from sweating so much lol
to be honest i dont have any of those side effects, then again it is the middle of Winter here so being a little warmer wont be noticeable as much.
i was super tired the first couple days when i started but that wore off aswell.
Its only my first week and still at relitively low doses, ill see how i go by next week once my dose is up closer to 100mcgs

i do have this nagging dull pain on my right side/back at first i thought i was my kidney but i think its too far on my side and it feels like a constant stitch
the heart pounding is definatly the aqua-burn, and it will make u tired as well at first, as ur heart is racing it tends to make u sleepy
And yawning like crazy lol

!!!YEP!!! Thats why I hate clenbuterol! I actually left the gym twice as soon as i got there cause i was trying to run clenbuterol and i just could NOT stop yawning and was tired before i even picked a weight up!
Yea, the heart racing will make you feel tired, but good luck falling asleep

yeah that sucks balls, knowing and feeling how tired your body is and just feeling exhausted yet you lay there and cant fall the fuck asleep! I dont miss that shit at all!
Im so glad I've been able to sleep. Bit then again I have a 6month old baby so I am always tired as shit.

Its been a week on pretty mild doses and I'm starting to see the fat move