Dandelion Root as a diurectic?


MuscleChemistry member
Has anyone tried it and what mg/day do you have to do to make it work effective? Cant really find info on the dose.
I have the pills and the tea... I don't really notice a difference from taking it though, so I'd be curious to hear others' opinions on this.
I think caffeine is a better diuretic than dandelion root. This is what is being said about dandelion:

<li>It is a gentle diuretic
<li>It can purify the bloodstream and liver, and it can stimulate the manufacture of bile
<li>It can decrease the amounts of serum cholesterol and uric acid
<li>It can maximize the performance of the kidneys, pancreas, spleen, and stomach
<li>It is very beneficial to menopausal women
<li>It is effective in treating abscesses, anemia, boils, breast tumors, and cirrhosis of the liver
<li>It may avert the development of age spots or breast cancer</ul>
I know its one of the main ingredients in taraxatone and I can attest that it works fairly well.
i know its one of the main ingredients in taraxatone and i can attest that it works fairly well.

truth be told i used "taraxatone" and it worked quite well for me as well, however i was already pretty dam lean so the littlest difference looked like a lot i guess
I have some, I dose it according to what it says on the label. When I was taking it by itself I did not notice any difference at all. Then I got some Diurex wich is supposed to be a "gentle" diuretic, and didn't notice a big difference taking it by itself either. I had somewhat of a dry mouth but I didn't notice much in the mirror as far as bloat reduction. Then I combined the 2 (Dandilion + Diurex) and I DID notice a difference in the mirror. My face didn't look so round anymore.

I've noticed that dandilion is listed as an ingridient on most O.T.C. duiretics. That must mean that it does what it's supposed to do, just not at the level of the more potent stuff like caffeine,alcohol, etc
This past winter I did GH for 5 months and I ended up with slight lower body enema. I was holding quite a bit of water, and I got dandelion root tea bags, and for a week straight I steeped 3 bags in a cup twice a day, and in that weeks time I shed all that water. It worked good for me in that instance, but don't expect it to have the same action of a lasix tab.

Big JC
3?? Hmm... I've been drinking it once a day or once every other day... maybe I need to kick it up a notch!