deactivated facebook and i'm already happier


MuscleChemistry Registered Member
i know it's only been a few days but not a single person has called or texted asking if i'm alive and ok...the only texts i'm getting are from my gf and we live together lol...goes to show nobody is a REAL friend these days and social media is making it worse...i'm always extending a hand to help someone i know closely that's in need, yet everybody disappears when scenario is flipped...

it's only deactivated and not deleted...too many pics and alot of contacts i can only get thru fb...but nonetheless an exercise proving what's real and what's not...hopefully i can keep it deactivated a good while...pretty sure other than gf and mom, nobody else will call or text unless they want something lol...nobody ever contacts just to say hi or invites over anymore...
I "know" most of the ppl on FB from former jobs school etc, but ur all right, I am not "friends" w/ them... honestly I have 1 just 4 a few ppl IDK y.
i dont really post much on fb but i do like a lot of things. someone from my old hometown found me somehow and friend requested me they are pretty cool so i accepted it and the past month have had a dozen people i will never speak to again send me friend request
Some days some of the stupidity I read and see on there gives me more anxiety than I already have, I use it mostly to keep up with the bodybuilding world, even then its like forums somedays, with dumb fucks and idiots posting up pics of there latest cheat meals and pathetic workouts. The attention whores on there alone are enough to make me want to drop my account.
I dont blame you one bit for ridding yourself of the account.
i never got into Facebook, nor twitter! I prefer the layout of a Forum/message board, and as stated above, way too many idiots out there!
No twitter. I think it stupid. Facebook for me was/is a legit means of communication with LOTS of ex-military friends I've known for 20 years. I have deactivated it from time to time depending on how busy my life is. Honestly I never missed it.
I, too, deactivate mine from time to time. My real friends have my cell number and can text or call when needed.
I never started a facebook or twitter account. I don't get it. The people i care about i call on the phone. I have no desire to tell the world what i am up to.
I deleted hundreds of friends years ago and deactivated it because it turned into a drama fest as much as it was in high school.....ironically mostly issues with family. I still have it ever since you can add friends into groups so you control what people see when you post it has made facebook more tolerable. Now I mostly use it for news, ads, and family updates.
why do people want the post every meal they are going to eat. Do they think someone gives a shit???
Or pics of their cat taking a nap! Wow, I must be on it too much. lol
I rarely go on Facebook, and I have deactivated my account from time to time. My wife is addicted to it. I don't have twitter or instagram or whatever other crap is out there.
i know it's only been a few days but not a single person has called or texted asking if i'm alive and ok...the only texts i'm getting are from my gf and we live together lol...goes to show nobody is a REAL friend these days and social media is making it worse...i'm always extending a hand to help someone i know closely that's in need, yet everybody disappears when scenario is flipped...

it's only deactivated and not deleted...too many pics and alot of contacts i can only get thru fb...but nonetheless an exercise proving what's real and what's not...hopefully i can keep it deactivated a good while...pretty sure other than gf and mom, nobody else will call or text unless they want something lol...nobody ever contacts just to say hi or invites over anymore...
I honestly thought it was only I going through this. I go out of my way to help people in need but none are there when i need them.
In fact i was contemplating deactivating FB, after reading your comment i believe its time. No one ever messages to check on me, out of sight is out of mind!
i know it's only been a few days but not a single person has called or texted asking if i'm alive and ok...the only texts i'm getting are from my gf and we live together lol...goes to show nobody is a REAL friend these days and social media is making it worse...i'm always extending a hand to help someone i know closely that's in need, yet everybody disappears when scenario is flipped...

it's only deactivated and not deleted...too many pics and alot of contacts i can only get thru fb...but nonetheless an exercise proving what's real and what's not...hopefully i can keep it deactivated a good while...pretty sure other than gf and mom, nobody else will call or text unless they want something lol...nobody ever contacts just to say hi or invites over anymore...

I couldn't agree more with that!
Although my gym has FB page, not me personally. I'm too private a person. People crack me up when they brag about ahem "friends" on FB. That's a little like screwing Kim K, Brittany Spears and Katy Perry at the same time.....then after the fireworks are done you just realize you've been spanking yr monkey!!
FB is good when used in the best way possible - to link up people that you would otherwise lose contact with. My high school graduation class threw together a 25-year reunion in about two months using FB and everyone's individual knowledge of the whereabouts of people, some of whom were not on FB. After 25 years, in two months we were able to get a bit over 50% of the class to attend - not everyone was interested, some physically could not make it on that short notice, some were already booked to be away on that weekend, and sadly, 2 deaths since we graduated (One cancer, one suicide) However, without FB, connecting/communicating/planning would have been painful. *This* is what it is good at - connecting *real* friends back together. I've never understood the preoccupation with having 1000's of "friends" you will never meet in your life. Everyone on *my* FB list is either family, friends, former classmates, scouting connections, and a few acquaintances that I chat with online. People who's self-worth is defined by FB, sadly, are far too common :(
I agree with you @Doctor9 and my whole purpose of FB was that to connect with my friends from college and a few others who I have worked with. You see I live in another country altogether but I thought FB would make communication manageable. Besides it is always me putting in the effort and reaching out, not one has ever done so to this day.
Well today I deactivated it and will leave it until I really feel up to reconnect again.
The other aspect is i use it to promote my music because i DJ. I guess I will be creating a page solely for that purpose at a later stage. For now it is bliss.
I know there's a study out there that links low self esteem and depression to high facebook usage...oh gotta go just got an im on my facebook :eek: