Dude Got Jacked! Wow!


Staff member
Ok ok its a fake for sure, but i thought it was hilarious as fuck all that this photo was in an ad for some BS pills John Travolta is Yoked lol,

no one! lol, no one wants to tell me to get a life, stop wasting their time....NOTHING? LMAO
lol I seen this shit too, so dumb, and Presser get a life, or get me some money. Either way, money preferred
Whoever runs this website should kick you off, Presser. You time wasting bastard you.
I gotta get me some of those pills

I might have a few left i can sell ya, I got way way too big, shredded and muscular on them, so much so that Golds Gym kicked me out like it was a Planet Fitness Commercial! lmao