body2see said:Who here believes in eating at night-time for gains??
I would estimate that from 8pm-2am I eat about 2000+ calories, or about 40% of my daily calories. I also wake up in the middle of the night and eat a snack, either a protein shake, a bowl of cereal, or quick leftovers.
Some bodybuilders believe in this, some say a high proportion of fat gains, etc, etc...
It works for me, what do the rest of the members and guests think about this method of building mass??
I believe this works well, although as a powerlifter, I can't say the gains are of the lean variety. I try to eat fairly clean, but nothing like the shit you guys go through. In any case, it's the only way I can keep my weight moving up after things level off (which is about 7-8 weeks for me). I get to the point where I literally have to eat right up to the second I go to bed. Whatever I need to do. One thing though.... sucks to sleep with a full stomach.... fuckin acid reflux.