Female Bodybuilder I am training.


MuscleChemistry member
She will be doing a show in 4 weeks just to get NQ, then I will dial her in for nationals.
Her side chest and side tricep are better than mine!! WTF??!! I quit!!! Happy??
Her side chest and side tricep are better than mine!! WTF??!! I quit!!! Happy??

haha! yeah she is a freak. Today she benched 225 for 12 reps. She can also shoulder press the 85 lb dumbells for 10 clean reps. She has actually been my training partner for a few months now.
I will be getting more pics and videos of her posted up. I really think she has a great chance at a pro card, and she hasn't even done a show yet.
Good luck to her! Let us know what show she is doing in 4 weeks. She must be excited to do her first show.
She looks good, and thats quite a bench i cant see a women doing that much weight 25 times,lol,. I wonder whats under there when she diets down and look forward to seeing what shes hideing!
Her show should be coming up. How's she doing? You should ask her to come on the female forum, be nice to add another woman over there.
whats the word nuknuk, how is she looking and doing? show is close now right? any pics brutha
Lighting not very good in the pics but it looks like she's carrying a shitload of water, especially lower back and quads... cant wait to see stage pics. Whats her height and weight at?