Finestra Solution dosage while on different than while off? Imput please.


New member
Hey what's up!! I don't post much but have been lurking in the shadows for a while and was wondering if you any of you could help me out.

I've been taking 1 mg of MC's Finestra solution per day. My question is I've been looking around and some guys are taking 2.5 mgs or even 5mgs, what are do you guys run? I want to make sure I'm taking the recommened dose before I start my cutter.

I'm going on a cutter with:
12 week 300mgs of Test E
12 75mgs eod Tren

IGF for the first time not sure how I will encorporate with above cycle but I'm thinking 60-80 mcgs 5 on 2 off weeks 4-8 then again during pct starting week 12-16. Still tossing this up though, worried about sides. (tiredness mostly) I have a job that requires me to be on top of my game.

I know some of you are going to tell me not to run Finestra with tren but I've ran before with no issues so I'm not worried about it. However I'm wondering if I've been taking to small (1mg ed) of as dose for the last 6 months. I'm 35 years old and have no real signs of thinning and I want to keep it that way.

Any imput would be appreciated.

35 years old
bf 20's