Forearm Probs

I had something that sounds kinda similar. I came from doing decline presses and inclince presses were the only press it didn't hurt on. Sooner or later it started hurting there too and I had to go over to the smith, then to dumbbells. Eventually it went away, but it was a constant struggle to find exercises to do that didn't fuck up my wrists.
Set them on your knees when you sit on the bench. Throw them up to your chest
as you lay back. I used to use my knees to help throw them up. When done all you can do is throw them off to the sides then sit up. Most "real" gyms have pads on the
sides of the decline (or used to). I dont do decline anymore as I dont want to
build up my lower chest anymore. I stick with reg. bench and incline - I always
could use more upper chest. I also dont wany to have that hanging lower pec
look when I get older that those guys with the huge chests seem to get. I just
try to keep my lower pecs tight.
yeah i dont do much decline bench i stick to reg. and incline i think it hits the hole pec enough.
I have experienced that before myself. I tried actually turning my grip around for a little while as in attempt to take some stress away and for some exercises it works. Also just keep stretching out. A really neat trick is if it sore afterwards put some water in a small dixie cup and freeze it and rip the bottom off and use that end to rub up and down your forearms. It is very soothing.
osty52 said:
I have experienced that before myself. I tried actually turning my grip around for a little while as in attempt to take some stress away and for some exercises it works. Also just keep stretching out. A really neat trick is if it sore afterwards put some water in a small dixie cup and freeze it and rip the bottom off and use that end to rub up and down your forearms. It is very soothing.

That is a good little trick i used to do when my forearms used to kill me from doing straight bar curls. It didnt hurt while i was lifting but putting it down and releasing felt like my muscles were tearing off. I just iced, stretched and strengthened up my forearms and everything got better.
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I would also drop the smith machine for benching if not for everything, it's putting your body into a strict 90º angle on all of your movements and your body is not designed to go straight up and down, when you fatigue you should naturally find slightly different variations or grooves for your arms to follow, your body will do this on it's own by slightly splaying your hands in and out.

drop the smith for a few weeks and you'll recover quickly