FUCK mAN Stretch marks

I'd stick with Vitamin E. There is also something you can use called Oxsoralen or Trisoralen (both are in the psoralen family) it's used in atopic dermatitus and vitiligo.

It cuases the skin to thicken and become more even when exposed to UV light which makes it a great Rx tanning pill too. Dan Duchaine talked about in MM2000 before the wonderful mag went to the EAStside.

Also, like many have said you can use Vitamin E oil. Stretching or warming up is nonsense that has nothing to do with the skin's inabliity to grow as fast as the muscles beneath it. GH is another way although, more expensive, to help to b/c it will help the skin (epidermal) layer adapt to the skin's high need to increase surface area due to expansion of muscle tissue beneath it.

Best of luck but just be happy you have stretch marks to complain about.
I'm proud of my stretchmarks. They are there because I built muscle fast.

Isnt' that something to be proud of??

It's all good if it's from building muscle.

Be proud of them.
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Try using a cream or lotion with a high level of Glycolic Acid
in it, I'm sure that the stretch marks will go away. Glycolic
Acid is much stronger the the coco butter and is very powerful
doctors use it for micro-dermabrasion.

But I definitly agree with all of you guys that you should be
PROUD to have those Battle Scars!!!

Good luck!