Fuck New York

I live in california and it sucks monkey balls, im looking to move as soon as my house sells. North Carolina will be my next home, fuck these liberals
I live in california and it sucks monkey balls, im looking to move as soon as my house sells. North Carolina will be my next home, fuck these liberals

I hear its really Nice In NC and the cost of living is very low compared to where I am at in NJ and especially for you coming from Cali! But i think i wanna move to Florida if anywhere! Or maybe Texas
I hear its really Nice In NC and the cost of living is very low compared to where I am at in NJ and especially for you coming from Cali! But i think i wanna move to Florida if anywhere! Or maybe Texas

no state income tax FTW!
no state income tax FTW!

Property tax in Texas is rediculous. I'm happy where I live. Cheap, quiet, and ol'school. Florida though I must say was the most awsome place I've been. And would love to live there if things went south for me here I'd move there. I almost did last year
I am from Brooklyn and this major pisses me off but so did bloomberg. You do realize republicans are anti union right? I hate democrats as well and limousine liberals, just curious what people think about that.
I am from Brooklyn and this major pisses me off but so did bloomberg. You do realize republicans are anti union right? I hate democrats as well and limousine liberals, just curious what people think about that.

they all suck dick and ass, I don't care what they call themselves Rep or Dem-all any of them care about is their rich buddies and breaking the middle class