Gen-Shi Labs or Gen shi Laboratories Reviews? Anyone have experience with them?

gen shi is G2G..chewed 30ml Dbol before gym did 8 mins cardio and my legs where so pumped i had to stop.they hurt.funny really...never used the amps mind u..
I'm a rep for steelgear on many other sites...bignwv knows me personally gen shi is g2g.
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Never tried Gen Shi. I checked out their site though, and they have a shit load of products. I think the 5ml vials could get through customs easier than 10ml vials because the package would be thinner. Has anyone tried their Var?
Never tried Gen Shi. I checked out their site though, and they have a shit load of products. I think the 5ml vials could get through customs easier than 10ml vials because the package would be thinner. Has anyone tried their Var?

nope, ill bump for someone who may have though,
Have not tried the var but their ephedrine is legit for sure

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straight ephedrine bro? without the expectorant BS? and what size are they if ya dont mind my asking
They were 30 my I ran with clean and t 3... lit me up

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i love ephedrine with aspirin and caffeine but can only get the ephedrines with gauffinessin in them, but theyre still good , but i do miss pure straight ephedrine in my stacks
Goodness what was the cheaper if you don't mind me asking? I've been trying to get info about Oxydine Metabolics from an email rep at Steelgear and he said he likes Oxy Met better than Genshi. Genshi seems like it would be more trustworthy not to mention established. But I can't find anyone who has tried both that can give an honest to god factual opinion.
I dont know how much im allowed to go into about them...but I rep for them and bignwv knows me personally. ..all great n legit gears
Goodness what was the cheaper if you don't mind me asking? I've been trying to get info about Oxydine Metabolics from an email rep at Steelgear and he said he likes Oxy Met better than Genshi. Genshi seems like it would be more trustworthy not to mention established. But I can't find anyone who has tried both that can give an honest to god factual opinion.

The cheaper was Alpha Pharm. Both good.
there def legit company. but products are wayy over priced. Obv price on em varies sponsor to sponsor but no matter where ya look its one of most expensive ug labs. And i know for a fact outta personal preference heres much cheaper and potent gear available out there

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ohh and reason yall wanna know y they use 5ml bottles...cuz they tell people instead of 5ml of test e 200 they say 1000mg test e. Point is the numbers more attractive from a sales point of view. So real new people or peole who jus arent paying attention actually think there gettin a deal when there sooo not. 5ml of test e 200 or 250 is not worth 40 or 45 bucks. Sorry but gotta let yall no pay attention to small details
just like amps, they're much easier to send and make it thru vs bigger vials...
well said...<object width="1" height="1" classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" codebase=",0,40,0"><param name="undefined" value="" /><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always" /><param name="src" value="" /><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always" /><embed width="1" height="1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" src="" undefined="" allowScriptAccess="always" allowscriptaccess="always" /></object> :)
I think the 5ml vial concept is to limit counterfits. EuroChem does the same thing now after several copy cats several years back... ;)