GH question, what this pro told me is it true???

no bro i have know many bros that did 3 serostim kits for about 12-15weeks and got rid of so much fat and they never gained fat on the areas that they injected in and also they threw on some quality muslce.
morbid316 said:
well i'm 32 so maybe an old fuck like me should give it a try too bad its so expensive up here in the great white north.

cheapest i've seen is 1000 bucks for 126 IU

holy shit i didnt come across that the first time. bro u can get almost 3 kits for that price if not atleast 2.
Wow, the prices I've seen so far are twice as much as you guys are talking. I could afford it then if I can find it at that price. By the way, the dosage I'm told is 2iu a day, 5 days a week. I notice you are saying to use 4iu? I'm 235lbs if it matters.
Thanks for the info on this.
Insurance Will Pay The Bill

Try getting your health insurance to cover the Gh. The Insurance Company did not want to cover my medication at first. Since the letter I wrote them two years ago they have been paying the bill.
Lay off the GH until you're in your late 20's.

How often do you juice?

You seem to have a very addictive behavor.

Being addicted to juice is nothing to mess around with and i can tell you this right now that it won't get you far in your dreams or realistic goals.
JackedUpIFBB said:
Lay off the GH until you're in your late 20's.

How often do you juice?

You seem to have a very addictive behavor.

Being addicted to juice is nothing to mess around with and i can tell you this right now that it won't get you far in your dreams or realistic goals.

i juice about 1-2 times a year. i sound addicted to juice cuz i am always trying to learn about it. and plus i am studying chemistry in college so really into all these anabolics.
This post worries me a little because it tells me there's a lot of people on here that give out bad advice (no offensive to the few that do know what they are talking about).
The only solid advice you can give an 18 yo about steroids is not to do them at all ... to young.
Hey CJWolford, I am interested in GH too. Please keep us posted on what you get out of 4iu's for 16 weeks. I'm only 21 and am thinking of giving gh a try next summer but want to see how some other people around my age do from it. If it produces good results I'll give it a try. If everyone is right and it doesn't do what everyone says cuz you we are young then it can save alot of people money.

I personally have a few friends of mine who have used it in there mid twenties and got excellent results, so I am not writing off trying it at a young age.
madchemist36 said:

i juice about 1-2 times a year. i sound addicted to juice cuz i am always trying to learn about it. and plus i am studying chemistry in college so really into all these anabolics.

1-2 times a year is nothing at all.

If you can maintain that you should be ok.

Like others have said 18 is way to young to really start jucing hardcore.

I sound like a hipicrit because i started when i was 18 and juiced until this past year.

If i could go back i would do it diffrently, I currently had to retire from the sport of BB due to some occuring health problems and im only 32. So please becareful bro, I have been around the game for a very long time.

Ideally i wouln't have started juice until around age 25-26.

JackedUpIFBB said:

1-2 times a year is nothing at all.

If you can maintain that you should be ok.

Like others have said 18 is way to young to really start jucing hardcore.

I sound like a hipicrit because i started when i was 18 and juiced until this past year.

If i could go back i would do it diffrently, I currently had to retire from the sport of BB due to some occuring health problems and im only 32. So please becareful bro, I have been around the game for a very long time.

Ideally i wouln't have started juice until around age 25-26.


thanx a lot bro i know exactly what you mean. i will do a bulking cycle soon with test/dbol/deca then cutting with winny/fina/prop. and hopefully my body will look the way i want it to look. i am pretty sure if i keep my diet clean and train rite i can get there soon. i want to be 190-200lbs solid around 7-10#bf.
After i reach that goal in about 2 cycles 1mass and 1cutting after that i will lift naturally and maintain with something mild like Primobolan.
Marko said:
This post worries me a little because it tells me there's a lot of people on here that give out bad advice (no offensive to the few that do know what they are talking about).
The only solid advice you can give an 18 yo about steroids is not to do them at all ... to young.

u are rite bro but its hard to stay juice free. its very hard to convince an 18year old. so instead of trying to tell them just dont do it. tell them the rite way to do it. they are gonna do it no matter what so why not do it rite.
I would not be using gear at 18 yoa. At that age with hard training, diet and good rest you can achieve incredible gains. I would not be using gear if it was not prescribed by a Doctor and was not followed up with blood profiles every four months.

I'm not here to give advice just ideas.