Good mornings...

big in vegas

MuscleChemistry Registered Member
Does anyone still do these? I did them last week for the first time in a long time and I forgot how hard they can be with a decent amount of weight. I only worked up to 225, but I actually loved the stretch I got. I've worked up to 315 in the past, but 225 was all I really needed to get a good stretch and pump
Yea, I just started doing these a couple of weaks ago again. I definitley think I was missing out. I do agree it gives you a great stretch.
No way, that shit kills me! lol, I always hated them and never got into them,lol. You can do 315lbs like that?
I've done it in the past, not sure if I'll go up that high again though. The hardest part is keeping the bar from rolling up your neck and with that weight it actually strains my shoulders at times
Man I only use about 45 degrees of movment. straight up to straight out. But kinda tilt your legs back for that little extra. If that makes since
I tried them a few time. But they never felt right for me. And 100lbs felt heavy as hell ..
Wow some impressive poundages....never really got into them although I have my female PT clients do them with light weight. Just shows you, I can squat a fair amount because I practice....but good am's I would totally suck at because I never do them
The only problem I have with them is that I tend to lean a little too far forward and the bar wants to slip higher onto my neck almost. It'll come out of that groove on my back and I have to fight the weight which isn't a problem until I get to 225 and up. I switch between doing these one week and Jefferson's the next.