Gyno Surgery...Video of actual procedure.


New member

Its amazing how much mass gets taken out. The procedure itself looks stupid simple and its done under local anesthetic.

Anyone on the board had it done?
I've had it done twice. They didn't get it all out the first time. It was amazing how much was in there. I sat up and watch the whole procedure and went right back to work after it.
I've had it done twice. They didn't get it all out the first time. It was amazing how much was in there. I sat up and watch the whole procedure and went right back to work after it.

Very cool. I need to have it done. I've had a small amount in my left pec my entire life. Some AAS have made it worse over the years. I'm actually dying to have it done. This post is motivating for me.

How long were you out of the gym after words?
I got mine at a very early age too. I was training legs the next day. It was strange when blood started coming through my sweatshirt during squats though. I should have waited a couple days. I was training arms a couple days later. Back was 1 week after surgery and chest two weeks later. I have a hard time staying out of the gym. The longest break that I have had in 20 years is 4 days besides the mandatory 7 day break about every 6 months.
Ive seen good surgerys and bad, the bad ones leave you with a big indent in your pec! Not cool, but i have seen very good ones. I went many years ago for the surgery, put a grand down to book the procedure, and then my gyno went away,lol, i read to take loads of nolvadex and it actually broke up the hard lumps under the nipples, but i know it doesnt work for everyone, guess i got lucky cause i was very worried about the indents