The lab most frequently used by gearheads (not necessarily the best lab tho) is San Rafael Chemical Services. Here's a little info:

Located in Salt Lake City, Utah, San Rafael Chemical Services (SRCS) was established in 1993 under the direction of Ralph Meibos, a 25-year veteran of chromatographic and spectrometric analysis and interpretation. SRCS specializes in HPLC analysis of biological material. For instrumentation, SRCS utilizes Hewlett Packard's 1090 series II/L HPLC and ties into the HP 5989 A - Mass Spectrometer engine when analyzing certain compounds and for method development. They also have the HP 5890 series II Gas Chromatograph for GC/MS determinations, along with other devices. SRCS also provides microbiological services and has licenses from the State of Utah and the United States Department of Justice, and the Drug Enforcement Administration for controlled substances (1-5) Analytical Laboratory

Contact info:
San Rafael Chemical Services (SRCS)
2180 E. 4500 S. #125
Salt Lake City, UT 84117-4434
Phone and Fax# (801) 277-8228
[email protected]
Phone# (406) 273-5493 Fax# (406) 273-5498


yeah, those are exactly the guys I would use. I've talked to them before and they are knowledgable and upfront.
hmm well i could have sworn we pulled a thread where u listed a bunch of shit with prices and to pm u for details, whats with that
ok bro, but understand i have to look out for my own interests, and if that means looking to hard into things then so be it, glad we cleared this up, and welcome
always the watch dog....get um .... Ha ha

who does he work for .......J/k

sounded like a back door to me.........!

thanks I'll be using the lab for testing soon......