High pulls/upright rows ?


New member
Bit confused about the "high pulls" versus the "upright rows "

Been on Youtube but since everyone and their brother has a video it's been hard to differentiate what is the actual exercise form . Can anyone enlighten me ? I am trying a new program . Delts are on Saturday so I have a little time to figure it out ..

Thanks guys ..
I use a grip that brings the bar to my lower pecs and my elbows parrallel to my shoulders so there's a 90* angle from shoulder to elbow to wrist. They are the bread and butter of my shoulder routine.
what kind of weight and reps are you talking ?

That's a bit of a loaded question. I've been doing these for quite some time and they are my sole "mass builder" for delts. I'm up to 225lbs for 12 reps.
The Dude said:
That's a bit of a loaded question. I've been doing these for quite some time and they are my sole "mass builder" for delts. I'm up to 225lbs for 12 reps.

Do you take the bar from rack or floor ?
Upright rows make my wrists hurt unless I have wraps on, I can't use straps, but wraps help out a lot. I don't go too heavy as I'm just getting into these, but I'm up to 115 pounds for around 8-10 reps
The problem with this particular lift is that too many people do it like a hang clean (or something in between it and an upright row) which is not correct. You can't actually go really heavy or you can injure yourself easily. If I could do a video in the gym of it, I'd do it, but they don't allow any video recording in my gym.
I could try using them ..Thanks ..

And by the way .. THIS IS NOW MY 100TH POST ! I ONLY HAVE 9900 MORE TO CATCH UP WITH YOU ! :flex:

Lol, keep it up! It only took me what, 7 years?