How to Lower Testosterone Levels?

highside said:
Its about time you chimed in on this. I knew you had experience with it. If I don't have low enough test this time I will try it again later by doing that.

Yeah, I've been busy 'cause I'm studying up on upgrading the forum to a new version. Body2see had some good advice, too, so good luck.
body2see said:
Not to sound too aggressive or be the asshole here, but this is important and should have been worked out in advance. Realize for anyone in the future, if you don't plan out your attempt at getting HRT, and go in there with a epitest:test ratio that is off the chart, this will eliminate that doctor as a possibility EVER!! It's common sense, the day of, trying to work this is such a bad call...

If you really wanna do HRT, stop your cycle altogether for a good month or so, don't run anything at all PCT wise, and be miserable for the month, go in and get your HRT script. The downside is that in some cases they will want multiple tests, ie every month for 3 months, I personally had to do 6...

The only way I got by was to run 2 week on 2 week off oral doses of something such as winny or anavar, which when tapered off left me very low and acceptable for HRT. I had already qualified post surgery, but they did want my doses ANYWAYS!! Im guessing Im not one of a kind...

So please take this as constructive criticism for those of you looking to strategically get HRT therapy, take it seriously, and plan ahead, blood work won't lie.

Ya, I would have planned it better. It was just one of those deals where I mentioned it to the doc and he said, go get the bloodwork done. If it does not work out, I will give it a try down the road and plan it out.
mcgaret said:
I remember hearing taking a birth control pill will lower test.

That is the kind of thing I am looking for. I will check into it, even though I have taken the test already.
Well I passed with flying colors. I now get testosterone replacement therapy. They want to start me out on the gel. The docs swears it is a lot better than the injectable and is a lot more stable. I would rather cyp, but I guess this is a start.
This is going to sound ridiculous but it worked for me.

Take a birth control pill. You won't grow tits in one day but it will blunt your Test production. I actually read about this somewhere a couple years ago.

Also I didn't sleep and did tons of cardio the day before. One more thing, Test is normally highest in the morning then drops off later in the day, so you should take the test in the afternoon.

Hope this helps.
mcgaret said:
what levels are they trying to get to - at least the high end I hope.

I am hoping so also. I started out on 1 tube for now and will get tested in a month. They said they will go from there and if I need 2 tubes we will go to that. Anything is better than where my test really was. I was in the 120's so it was real low. I have figured it was for a while now, but never got tested. I was always afraid docs would think I was nuts. From what I have read the stuff I am using (Testim) is pretty good stuff, although not as good as cyp. I am really not looking to get a boost as if I was on a cycle, but to really just get my test into a normal range. Next month I am going to try and talk him into the injections. Just for the simple fact that I have little ones and do not want it rubbing off on them when I pick them up and I do not want it rubbing off on my wife.
and tell him it irritates your skin. maybe then at least move up to the patch on injectable.
Only use 1/2 the dose of the gel...make sure it stays low unless you like using the gel. Honestly for me it would get pretty annoying applying the gel all of the time.
This is a very interesting read, I got my blood taken for test levels on Friday at 2pm, I was full of cold virus so tried to go for a run but was too wasted so couldnt even face a dumbell.

So i had to settle with Loving the wife twice before going to the docs to try lower the levels.

Anyways i live in Scotland and the doc said he had never been asked to do these kind of tests ever before. I explained my situation and lack of growth, and i could not believe he told me he had never ever witnessed anyone change the shape and size of there body through body building?????????????????????????????????????
brutalI said:
Anyways i live in Scotland and the doc said he had never been asked to do these kind of tests ever before. I explained my situation and lack of growth, and i could not believe he told me he had never ever witnessed anyone change the shape and size of there body through body building?????????????????????????????????????

Wow, talk about a doctor that doesn't seem to know much.
Well i just got my blood test results back from the doc, The problem is its all measured in nanomoles per Litre rather than nanograms

Test levels 17.5 nanomoles
FSH 3.1 Nanomoles
LH 1.6 Nanomoles

Anybody know what this means or how i can convert to Nanograms??????