How's everyone's prep going?

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How's everyone's contest prep going? How far out are you? I'm fighting the temptation to start cutting too early (I'm scared my bf is too high to make it). I have a feeling I'm going to have to be really aggressive in my cutting when I start.

I'm really looking forward to hitting some contests as a spectator just to see what I'm getting myself into! :D
its going good!

everything is going fine! i wa 9% @ 210 the other day!
youll be fine weirdal!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I think being free to eat now will make cutting even harder though! :D
I REALLY want to compete, but I have that problem lots of bodybuilders have where no matter how big they get, they feel small......I guy at the gym yesterday commented on how everytime he sees me, I seemingly get bigger (go figure) and then asked how much I weighed. When I told him 251, he was like ,"Man, I'd just like to see 230 one day!".....problem is, I'm still convinced that he was way bigger than me. Maybe I need new glasses....yeah, that's what it is
I know I'm not big, and will probably be the smallest person in my class, but I just want to get started. I want to do it, and see if it's something I want to keep doing (pretty sure it will be)!
big I am the same way man...but I am not 250 lol...and Al you will def. not be the smallest in your class I will vouche for you on that, and plus you will be doing novice you will do well bro!
at 232 just under 7%-i think-i was at 7.2% two weeks ago before i started my contest diet. things are going pretty good so far. but that hunger is starting to settle in.

So far so good...started 16 weeks out at 242lb approx 10% BF
Now 8 weeks out 230 lbs 6% BF...working towards 220-222 @ 4%
Diet consists of protein 1.5 g/LB, fat .5 g/LB, carbs 50-75 g/day ,max...30 g post workout the rest spread thru meals 1-3, calories approx 2500-2800 daily
Aerobics 45 min am fast walk, 30 min post workout stairclimber
ok 2 weeks ago 13 weeks out I was 210lbs did 2 weeks of clen while on prop (till last thursday) I came down as of friday I was at 200lbs cheated this weekend and was back up to 204lbs I am hoping to be 196lbs by the end of the week I figure if I cut during the week and go up only a little over the weekend and come on lighter every friday than the one befor I will come in reall good I am currently at 204lbs @ 9-10% bf I need to come it between 177lbs and 182lbs around 5 1/2 % bf I will let you guys know how it goes !
That right drop down too low you will against me...oh wait you home fries are novice nevermind lol! Prep is going well for me no cardio yet....and still not loosing body wt but loosing fat I love this stuff!

at 3 weeks out i was 3.89% I was 4.8 in all those pics of me here on the bd!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! im not saying wt cause it bothers my competition! but Ill be in tune for the Jr's and then Usa'S OR NATIONALS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!