I have to come clean with ya's

I so wanted some baskin robbins last sunday, but they've all closed around here!
I found out that keebler makes a mint cookie just like the girl scouts thin mints and they are my biggest downfall in the whole world. I could eat half the bag dunking them in cold milk., I love the way that the cookie softens up when it's dunked but the chocolate hardens. mmmmm
I gave up on the cheat day, I now look forward to cheat weekend. The rest of the week...chicken.....protine......chicken....you get the point
hahaah all you fuggers cutting oh damn I need to watch out, I start in like well a week ahhhh eat like a pig this week!
cutting sucks!:( bulking rules.:)
Oh well, I'm going for the Holy Shit look at that guy! on the beach look. So I guess it has to be done. I'm down 5#'s and still keeping my strength.