If it became impossible to get gear.....would you still train?


MuscleChemistry Registered Member
I'm stealing this question from a member on another forum. I found it interesting and would like to hear different opinions.

As the title states....if something happened (use your imagination) and it became impossible to acquire anabolic steroids.....would you continue to train like you do? Knowing that despite your best efforts you will regress back to a natural physique and plateau there with no chance of real progression?

We all do this to see results and be better than we were the year before. Anabolics continue to make this possible once we surpass what we can achieve naturally. If they are taken away....do we continue to bus tour asses?
well there are 2 scenarios here:

1) if steroids disappeared now al of the sudden after i trained with them all my life, then yes of course i would keep training hard as once you juice your DNA is changed for ever, which is why they are now considering life time bans for people who fail steroid test even once, as those added cell nuclei are still there, and yours forever, so you will always ben head and shoulders above those who never juiced. And you would be absolutely amazed at the number of nuclei per cell that you now have after juicing even one time, let alone many!

2) if steroids never existed to begin with, of course i would still train, as i trained naturally for many many years as do most of us, and didn't juice until hitting the proverbial wall.

So either way absolutely yes! Personally i have NO respect for anyone who says they would stop training now if steroids all the sudden became unavailable to them! Thats weak shit!
I guess I have to add….it would suck major donkey balls if i had to go back to always being natty lmao. Just being honest
it would be tough to keep the training schedule i keep right now without anabolics...

im getting old lol
I would keep going. I work out for the way I feel after I am done. I think exercise is the best anti depressant there is.
Definitely would keep training.
It helps keep me somewhat sane and I feel like shit if I dont workout.
That is a hard ? I can't say yes or no because I would always look for a edge even if it meant pro hormones ( I started whit those when they were good)so I would train but it would not be as big apart of my life as it is now reason gear has created a brotherhood for me that is as important as family so it's hard for me after 20 years to think how it would be without the brotherhood we all created threw the understanding of depending on each other for our lifestyle and our brotherhood I hope it would still be there but I would never want to think of a life without the friendships I have made over all the years because of the game I know it's a weak explanation but its from my heart
​Solid answers. Do any of you think you'd change up your goals or train any differently now that you're limited to what you can achieve?
​Solid answers. Do any of you think you'd change up your goals or train any differently now that you're limited to what you can achieve?
Training for me would be different in that I couldn't do the volume, reps, total failure even though I did this for years. Age is catching up with me. I would probably have to go back to one body part a week...................recovery is what gets you as you get older.
This is good stuff guys. It's nice to see that most would continue to train. I'd have to agree. Even if I'd be regressing and maintaining a natural physique.....I enjoy lifting. It's all I know and it defines me. The gains and looks are the best part....but lifting itself is very therapeutic and I couldn't see myself living without it, gear or no gear.