Igf, HGH, or Gear..What is better for a beginner?


New member
I am 35
muscular frame

I have always wanted to try some test or HGH, but didnt know who or where I can trust that it would be legit, and also what should I start with. My friend is going to give me some var next week...Any suggestions?
Its hard to say without knowing what your goals are, your experience is in weight training and bodybuilding, ect. So I personaly wouldnt recomend anything to anyone until i knew much more
I'd agree that the IGF we have here would be a great place to start. Some kind of test booster would be a nice addition as well. Have you done any cycles at all in the past?
I would hold off on the HGH- I consider that to be for more advanced users, not beginners.
Muscular frame- what does that mean?
What are your goals, how long have you been training, etc.
Additionally, asking for sources is not allowed on MC.
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Its hard to say without knowing what your goals are, your experience is in weight training and bodybuilding, ect. So I personaly wouldnt recomend anything to anyone until i knew much more

Well i have been weightlifting for over 20 years. I am a personal trainer, I would like to get the vascular, shredded look. I put on mass very easy.
I'd agree that the IGF we have here would be a great place to start. Some kind of test booster would be a nice addition as well. Have you done any cycles at all in the past?

I have never done any cycles of anything at all. The closest thing I use to any type of hormone is DHEA
I would hold off on the HGH- I consider that to be for more advanced users, not beginners.
Muscular frame- what does that mean?
What are your goals, how long have you been training, etc.
Additionally, asking for sources is not allowed on MC.

Thanks! Muscular frame means that I am not obese, I am pretty much in shape.
<--- That is actually my picture to the left. So I would like to be more defined, I have been training for over 20 years. But just to stay in shape, I work out 4-5 times a week (no cardio)

And as far as sources, my fault, now I know.
A long ester Test of 200mg-300mg a week would work for a first cycle. Will be cheap and easy. If you cant grow off of that, then you got a hold of some fake shit.
I went from 200 @ 5.7%bf to 240 @ 9%bf in about 3 months on 200mg Test Cyp/wk and Arimidex. I was also running 200mg/wk of Deca for a portion of that period.

I had a meal plan and workout customized for me and was eating big and my diet was in check which I think had a huge influence on my results. You are a trainer so I am going to assume your diet is in check but if you want gains be prepared to EAT big. I was consuming 6-7000 calories/day and it was mostly clean.

Start low you can always add later... Go get bloodwork done and see where you are now, so if anything, you have baseline. You will kick yourself later if you dont. IMO.
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Thanks! Muscular frame means that I am not obese, I am pretty much in shape.
<--- That is actually my picture to the left. So I would like to be more defined, I have been training for over 20 years. But just to stay in shape, I work out 4-5 times a week (no cardio)

And as far as sources, my fault, now I know.

ok -welcome to MC- No pic showing- I wil take a look at your profile to see why its not showing up.
found out- you need to load your pic as an avatar not the profile pic.
A simple test only cycle like what nuk nuk recommended would be good since you've never ran anything in the past
Agreed^^^^^^ get Mc anti-e and some hcg 500ius twice a week, it will help alot..2nd go get some Mc igf!
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