In the hospital this weekend


MuscleChemistry Registered Member
Hey guys,

Just want to let everyone know, that I was admitted, to the hospital for some bad acid reflux pain in my stomach/chest area...They are doing some testing for some other heart problems or seeing if its just a really bad ulcer...But my EKG was out of wack, and my pancrease enzimes where slightly above normal...I hope to get out of here by saturday...

That's pretty scary stuff. I hope you'll be taking it easy from the gear/training for a little while?
well here is an update...The doctor wont see me until the morning...they just want to monitor me until the morning...My heart rate, blood pressure, and other things...Sarah is pretty pissed that the doctor wont see me until the morning..She wants to discharge me and take me to the U. of Iowa hospital....I guess we will see what happends
well here is an update...The doctor wont see me until the morning...they just want to monitor me until the morning...My heart rate, blood pressure, and other things...Sarah is pretty pissed that the doctor wont see me until the morning..She wants to discharge me and take me to the U. of Iowa hospital....I guess we will see what happends

dude soon as i read this thread i thought maybe u over dosed on clen or something,lol, anyhow hope ur doing better bro
Damn bro sorry to hear this sucks about the doc being a dick and not seeing you too. Your in my prayers brother take care.
dude soon as i read this thread i thought maybe u over dosed on clen or something,lol, anyhow hope ur doing better bro

well I havnt been using clen or anything...LOL !!! but i think its my G.I. or something...(ulcer, acid reflux) I mean I cant eat or drink anything without bad reflux matter what pain killers they give me, it doesnt help it...but they where concerned about my heart...because it wasnt working as strongly as it should be...but i hope its just acid reflux or something not so serious...
Remember you just did a very strict diet and now your eating much more.Lets just hope its from all the new food your eating.
Hope everything works out for the best.Good luck.
Damn, Chris... that sucks! I hope it isn't too serious and that you get out of there soon. That's the worst when you have to wait because everyone is too busy to see you and even though you're suffering, you're at the bottom of their priority list. I hate hospitals, especially ERs... keep us posted and feel better!!!!
Damn bro I hope everything is OK. If the Dr won't see you until tomorrow it can't be that serious. When he does see you he'll probably start spouting off about steroids and shit.
Damn bro I hope everything is OK. If the Dr won't see you until tomorrow it can't be that serious. When he does see you he'll probably start spouting off about steroids and shit.

yeah I can see that..>LOL !!! What is funny is I have lost about 7 pounds already in the last couple days cause I cant eat without pain...I didnt even relize how much I have lost until I got weighed today...I thought maybe I have just been getting leaner or something...

anyway, I have been admitted into my own room, and Sarah is staying with me....What sucks is my good friend A.J. is doing his first show this weekend...In Davenport....I have been helping with his prep, the last 6 months...He looks great for his first show....But I have one of my buds watching over for me....Thank god, I got friends that love me...LOL !!! :thumbsup:
your posts are the reason i signed up for this website i hope you are ok you have the best info
your posts are the reason i signed up for this website i hope you are ok you have the best info

thank you me I'll be fine...I'll be outta here by monday...Just got to get my health back on check:embarrass
Hang in there big guy, we need you around for a longtime. I will pray for you tonight. GOD is a good GOD. He will see you thru Chris.
Fuck man! I hope you ok. Called you n sent you a txt yesterday. You'll be back at the gym in no time my friend. A couple of people asked me wat happened told them dnt realy know but it might have something to do wit ur heart. I realy doubt it is though since the doc ain't gonna see you till today. I think it is all that chineese food you eat, LOL!!!!!:chicken: