IP Test Susp/Prop mix...


New member
Has anyone tried this stuff? I'm about to order.....whoops....I know somebody who is going to order some of the stuff in a 50ml jug but was curious if it's painful or not. I hear it's not but I've used IP's sust250 before and it was the most painful thing ever.

Has he stopped going crazy with the BA yet?
I used it about a year ago painful as heck dont know about the new stuff. worked great though for me . if new stuff is painless I would buy a jug.
Thanks for the info guys I won't use it then....the only pain I want is from working out and I don't like the huge welts I used to get from IP's stuff. I guess they haven't changed then.
Even IP himself warns on his list that this stuff is painful, so if you don't want your neighbors to hear you shrieking like a girl, I'd stay away. He does advise to
either cut it with oil (a 3 to 1 ratio!) or heat it until the BA evaporates...

If you're dead set on adding suspension to your life, it's cheap, but you gotta be
prepared to feel the burn.

there are 27 different ways to make it with no pain bro..almost always when you buy it, they go crazy with the BA its not necessary, it just keeps bacteria from being able to grow in the solution thats all, but a mix of phenyl silicate and BB make it almost painless except for the initial injection, for directions write your congressman..lol
phenyl silicate....sounds scarey...do you know if powder sources have the test suspension powder available? I'd like to just make my own so it wouldn't be so painful.

I used the Sydgroup and Denkall stuff and the shit clogged an 21g needle. I was so pissed too b/c those are some huge pipes to stick in your ass and then not have it come through the syringe...GRRRR
lemme guess,lol, and then you try to unclog it by pushing the plunger a bit and boom, its squirting all over ur ceiling,lol, sux

did u ever try drawing up a little oil in the pin after it was loaded so it didnt clog, worx
Presser said:
lemme guess,lol, and then you try to unclog it by pushing the plunger a bit and boom, its squirting all over ur ceiling,lol, sux

did u ever try drawing up a little oil in the pin after it was loaded so it didnt clog, worx

Now theres a thought ... I hope to be converting some test base into a solution soon ... hopefully at 50 - 100 mg per ml, that way I wont have to worry about clogging the pin ... :D

BTW proud13, how'd the hell you get into sunny Fl, when today it is just plain ole FL with no sun? :confused: And they call it the "sunshine state" ... :(
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Yeah it's definitely rainy as hell sometimes but when it's sunny in the summer it really is...

No I didn't try that but I did load it with some oil another time test susp. + EQ and still had a prob when it got to the powdery part. The stuff separates real fast so the water would go through okay and then the powder would get stuck. I hate that crap but I felt good and confident in the gym while using it.
anvil said:
I used it about a year ago painful as heck dont know about the new stuff. worked great though for me . if new stuff is painless I would buy a jug.

I am using it right now for precontest and I have no problems with it.
Course I am using it with other injectables, so maybe that is helping.
Thanks for the latest on the IP products mmx. I'll keep that in mind in the future and maybe give the ol' china man the benefit of the doubt. It better not hurt though...grrr!