Keep getting sick

The Dude

MuscleChemistry Registered Member
Since I've started my prep I've gotten this virus that has now flared up for the second time. It makes me dizzy, nauseous, etc and knocks me out for 2 - 3 days. I know I've got alot on my plate with my grandmother passing, my girl moving in, the wedding in one week, and of coarse all the show prep, but damn. I'm running out of sick time! I'm sure it also didn't help that I was forced to work another 10 hours of OT last week at 6am when I normally don't wake until 930. I'm taking 2g of Vit C and fish oils along with my other stuff, but I can't even walk straight to do cardio!! The contest is getting close, I'm thinking I may end up behind and have to play catch up.
Since I've started my prep I've gotten this virus that has now flared up for the second time. It makes me dizzy, nauseous, etc and knocks me out for 2 - 3 days. I know I've got alot on my plate with my grandmother passing, my girl moving in, the wedding in one week, and of coarse all the show prep, but damn. I'm running out of sick time! I'm sure it also didn't help that I was forced to work another 10 hours of OT last week at 6am when I normally don't wake until 930. I'm taking 2g of Vit C and fish oils along with my other stuff, but I can't even walk straight to do cardio!! The contest is getting close, I'm thinking I may end up behind and have to play catch up.

that sucks bro, but im sure youll bounce back soon! You just need to try to find a solid day or two to relax and keep to your self laid back with ur feet up relaxing all day and night long!

Sorry to hear about your grandmother brutha
that sucks bro, but im sure youll bounce back soon! You just need to try to find a solid day or two to relax and keep to your self laid back with ur feet up relaxing all day and night long!

Sorry to hear about your grandmother brutha

Today is the third day I've taken off of work. Second day of no cardio and poor diet. I'm off the next three days and my girl has suggested we postpone our honeymoon until after the show so I can do 2 a day cardio sessions and train for 14 days. Basically eat, sleep, cardio, train, and more cardio. I only have 8 weeks. I may up things in the meantime so I can recover. I didn't want to end up in this spot. I took on too much. Wedding is next Fri!
Today is the third day I've taken off of work. Second day of no cardio and poor diet. I'm off the next three days and my girl has suggested we postpone our honeymoon until after the show so I can do 2 a day cardio sessions and train for 14 days. Basically eat, sleep, cardio, train, and more cardio. I only have 8 weeks. I may up things in the meantime so I can recover. I didn't want to end up in this spot. I took on too much. Wedding is next Fri!

yeah bro the wedding will drain ya, my wife and mother-in-law handled most of our wedding plans and such and it was still stressful for me, maybe it was the mere fact of knowing I was about to get married was stressing me who knows, but anyhow ya the wedding will drain ya brutha!

Good to hear ur taking care of urself with the days off though brutha!
You have a lot going on as well as stressing your body out with contest prep- we have all been there. Get some rest- you are being proactive with your health with vit c's etc but as Nuk said, naps really help....
Good luck
Naps will start immediately. Due to my work schedule and the wedding I only work 3 days between now and May 24. My girl has decided that we are not going on our honeymoon and will instead use the time on getting me caught up (see why I'm marrying her?!) although I'm not happy about it, she insists.
I went and did 60min of cardio this morning and after this meal (2nd) I'm going to bed and training later. My trainer said not to make any changes until he sees me Fri, but upping the cardio seems prudent. I'm not making the other changes I've contemplated.
Naps will start immediately. Due to my work schedule and the wedding I only work 3 days between now and May 24. My girl has decided that we are not going on our honeymoon and will instead use the time on getting me caught up (see why I'm marrying her?!) although I'm not happy about it, she insists.
I went and did 60min of cardio this morning and after this meal (2nd) I'm going to bed and training later. My trainer said not to make any changes until he sees me Fri, but upping the cardio seems prudent. I'm not making the other changes I've contemplated.

We all need a good supportive spouse or signifigant other in our corners to be successful sometimes. Glad you found yours brutha!!!
Naps will start immediately. Due to my work schedule and the wedding I only work 3 days between now and May 24. My girl has decided that we are not going on our honeymoon and will instead use the time on getting me caught up (see why I'm marrying her?!) although I'm not happy about it, she insists.
I went and did 60min of cardio this morning and after this meal (2nd) I'm going to bed and training later. My trainer said not to make any changes until he sees me Fri, but upping the cardio seems prudent. I'm not making the other changes I've contemplated.

At least you've got a great supporter behind you, that always helps...Hopefully you kick this soon
At least you've got a great supporter behind you, that always helps...Hopefully you kick this soon

There is no way in hell I could've gotten here without her. We were just looking at some pictures over the last couple of years and Holy Shit! It also helps that she's as into it as I am, but it seems as though she's that into because I am. She is an incredible girl. I'm sure you guys are expecting to see pics of some fat chick with a great personality, but you won't believe how pretty she is and how good of shape she is in! On another note I am troubled greatly by something I've noticed and will make a new thread about. I'm feeling great again though although my strength is now slowly declining on most movements.
Sorry about your grandmother! :(

One question... sorry if this is stupid to ask, but I'm a little behind on updates I guess... WHY would you plan your wedding in the middle of prep??? I def want to enjoy mine and while I wanna be lean, I also wanna be able to enjoy myself and not have the stress of contest prep in the back of my mind.

What an awesome girl you've got though... that's great that she's so supportive of your goals and will sacrifice and compromise to help you get there. Those kind of qualities should help make for a long, happy life together!
Sorry about your grandmother! :(

One question... sorry if this is stupid to ask, but I'm a little behind on updates I guess... WHY would you plan your wedding in the middle of prep??? I def want to enjoy mine and while I wanna be lean, I also wanna be able to enjoy myself and not have the stress of contest prep in the back of my mind.

What an awesome girl you've got though... that's great that she's so supportive of your goals and will sacrifice and compromise to help you get there. Those kind of qualities should help make for a long, happy life together!

There was actually no planning. She and I have been together for 3 years. It's taken me this long to recover from my divorce. She won't move in with me until we're married. It was just something she would not do. We knew we wanted to get married and were making plans and saving money. With our work schedules we didn't get to see each other enough and it started to affect us as I would get irritable and she would get depressed. She never wanted a big wedding, just something small on the beach in Hawaii.
One day we were just talking and she said she in all seriousness just wanted to go to the courthouse and get married. I eventually agreed although I wasn't happy about it. My mother refused and demanded that she take care of the wedding, so we did and planned it for when we could both take vacation and before her lease expired on June 1. We are doing things kind of backwards and also getting married next Fri the 13th.
There is no way in hell I could've gotten here without her. We were just looking at some pictures over the last couple of years and Holy Shit! It also helps that she's as into it as I am, but it seems as though she's that into because I am. She is an incredible girl. I'm sure you guys are expecting to see pics of some fat chick with a great personality, but you won't believe how pretty she is and how good of shape she is in! On another note I am troubled greatly by something I've noticed and will make a new thread about. I'm feeling great again though although my strength is now slowly declining on most movements.

That's great man, I'm glad that you are able to have someone there for you. I've never had a gf that gave a shit about fitness so I can't relate, but I can imagine how nice it is