laws to ban/exterminate pit bulls


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last year denver passed a law to ban/exterminate pit bulls...california is considering the same thing...anyone who knows the apbt knows that they are great is the scum bag dog fighters, drug dealers, wanna be thugs,ect. who train, abuse, and torture this great dog to make them vicious.

if you care about pit bulls take a second to sign this petition.
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i signed it bro not even the biggest fan of pits but i know they are awesome pets for sure and im a dog lover so i cant let this happen.
what a bunch of bullshit, OK after they take away the pits then what the rots and then the chows?
until we are left with only poodles?
hell even then if you kick and beat a poodle you can make them mean too
Im going to sign this right now, thank you Supermannpc. These dogs are great bro i hate that these people are trying to so this to these dogs. I know a few people with them and they are just as loving and loyal as any other dog.
Pro Pitbull



Seeing law proposals like this enrage me. I know its just my personal opinion but to me Pits are the greatest dogs a person can get. Anyone who has had one knows this. My baby is 90 pounds and she is as timid as can be. I have pics of my pit sleeping with my girls kitten when she got it and they still sleep together. I dont know about everyone else but that certainly isnt the dogs portrayed in these laws is it? hell a cocker spaniel will twist off on someone long before a pit will. they already banned pits in a neighboring town not far from where i live, due to the stupid ass drug hood rats exploiting them. personally i think they should euthanize the thugs and not the dogs lol.
Fuck I have a wolf 50% arctic wolf and 50% Timber...........150lb's............Killed both my neighbors rots.........Wonder if they will try and take my lil

It's not the animals fault. It's the owners. My dog killed those rots because they let them loose and they came near the house and a wolf being teretorial and all just did what instinct led him to do.........He kills coyotes all the time but never attacks a person. I sicialized him with people when he was a cub but I taught him to kill other dogs Cause I live in Tennessee and wolves and coyotes are mortal enemies so he goes for the kill now the rots had it comin for coming over and trying to eat his food......They were quick kills.......Just a grasp of the neck and was cool to watch and sad at the same time........but oh well.........If I could own a lion I would. TN has no law against wolves especially since they release them into the wild to control the coyote population that thrives due to the abundance of dear.
Not sure if anyone knows this or not but we are to blame for there ways. Not us personaly but back in the day the rich english trained them to fight and now look they wanna blame the dogs.
damn Cyphon isn't the wolf miserable in this heat? or do you keep him in the AC when possible? a buddy of mine had 3 wolves all females and they were the biggest sweathearts I've ever seen :kiss:
the one would sleep with me when I was too shitfaced to drive home and if the others would get near me she would pitch a fit
they are doing this all over kansas city to. and the only problemes are comeing from these crack houses that need protecting while these dealers are out. so hell yes they are going to make there dog mean.
Dorian, I keep mine in the house, but when he senses danger he shoots through the window to protect the terretory. He is unusually big for a timber since they average 40-80lb's..........He's a great dog and has never destroyed a thing in the house. He even likes to play with cats but the neighbors chain and beat there rots and they are 100lb vicious dogs..........The thing is they have about 12 along with some hunting dogs.......The hunting dogs are ok, they just bark........The rots try to attack. So my little buddy exterminated two of

Since then the neighbors keep all there dogs in a large encaged area. He's a very nice playful dog. I take him to petco, parks and he enjoys people but when we are at home he gets into security mode. It's awesome to see him circle around me when he thinks something poses danger to me.

No animal should be banned because of human ignorance. Grey wolves, AKA timber wolves, a relative to the arctic wolf were put on the endangered list. I plan on breeding them and releasing them to control the enourmous coyote population in tennessee.

The odd thing is with so many coyotes out here there still a shit load of dear......Hunting here is as easy as sitting on your front porch with your 9mm and wait til they pass

Venison is great meat. Eat organic and live good. Eat a giant cat sized squirell and your just