Lifting When Sick...


New member
Does anyone here practice any kind of rule when it comes to being sick (cold, flu, strep throat, etc.) and lifting? Do you skip the workout entirely, do it but don't do your normal routine, do it to it full bore?
well normally when i have a cold or a sore throat i always still make it to the gym.... the caffiene, increased blood flow, and change of pace (meaing not sitting in the house lol) helps make me feel better. but ill NEVER hit the weights 100% strength

if i have the FLU which is very rare ill stay outta the gym

in my personal opinion if im ever under the weather and i dnt over do it, a workout ALWAYS makes me feel better :) or some cake
For me, if it's really bad, I skip a workout or two. If it is just a slight case of the sniffles, I work out light which seems to help me get over it quicker--IF I keep it light. Anything heavier usually turns it into a full blown cold, and then I'm really out for a week.
I stay out until it's gone but it's usually doesn't last but a couple of days. Even when it's really bad because of all the vitamin c I take.
This is what sparked me to up the rep range for a bit. All last week and yesterday I've ben lifting in the 12-20 (depending on bodypart) to lower intinsity and reduce strain. It worked pretty good. I'm pretty much over the cold and will continue the high rep thing for the remainder of the week and go back to normal. So yeah, training while sick, if done right, I think, can be good. I would't do it with the flu though...
I always feel better too. I haven't worked out the last two days due to asthma and am contemplating it tonight myself. If you are really sick like with an infection it is best to take off a couple days but in the winter colds are inevitable, so I always work out with a cold.
There won't be any squats/bi-work tonight. I'm wearing a bloody parka right now at work...and I work in an office. Ugh. Demon Sickness.