Iron Game

Definition 1


"Bro, you gotta slam 40-60 grams of waxy maize plus 20 grams of BCAA within 7 seconds of finishing your last set of squat rack curls. Otherwise, you'll go straight catabolic."

Broscience is the predominant brand of reasoning in bodybuilding circles where the anecdotal reports of jacked dudes are considered more credible than scientific research.

Definition 2

A sarcastic term implying that the time tested, muscle building wealth of knowledge developed and utilized by successful, experienced bodybuilders is inferior to the continually shifting hypotheses of articulate, textbook-savvy 155lb. chemists with little or no real world first-person experience to substantiate their conclusions. The term "Broscience" is oft repeated on bodybuilding and fitness oriented internet forums in an attempt to demonstrate online dominance as a substitution for success in the arena of actual bodybuilding.
Professor Shnootgarten: What are you drinking there?

Tommy: Just a protein shake with some carbs; I need to get my 350 grams daily.

Professor Shnootgarten: According to the 30 pubmed studies that I’ve downloaded, any amount greater than 22.341 grams of protein post workout is superfluous for greater protein synthesis. Additionally, insulin spiking, if that’s your intended objective, is neither necessary nor helpful toward replenishing glycogen stores unless, of course, your focus is high rep, time under tension endurance tolerance rather than maximal load, low rep hypertrophy stimulation.

Tommy: Dude, over the last 8 years, I’ve gone from a 148 pound weakling to a 220 pound beast doing the same stuff that worked for my dad, and you’re a buck fifteen and have never actually seen the inside of a gym.

Professor Shnootgarten: Well, according to last year’s in-vitro study of skeletal-muscle glycogen phosphorylase done at the University of Stuttgart School of Bio-Organic Chemistry Deluxe...

Tommy: Spare me the science lesson Mr. Wizard; you’ll change your mind next week when new studies reveal the opposite conclusions. You can take your research and your weak pale self, and I’ll take the 500+lb.deadlift that I got with hard work and a little help from broscience.
by musclestudlackinganyirony September 06, 2009
damn so ""broscience"" is only known in bodybuilding cirlces lmao, thats fucked up man lol,
Lmao! There's a few small guys at the gym who make it hard to work out because they want to tell you all about the latest bro science. Like the first example type of stuff.
im guilty of broscience, I'm sure on more than one occasion to! lmao I know what worked for me, and if someone cites a medical journal contradicting me, ill tell them to shove the book up their asses lol, so yeah i guess I've given out plenty of broscience lmao
im guilty of broscience, I'm sure on more than one occasion to! lmao I know what worked for me, and if someone cites a medical journal contradicting me, ill tell them to shove the book up their asses lol, so yeah i guess I've given out plenty of broscience lmao
Broscience could/would also be called test groups. Real world knowledge
Broscience could/would also be called test groups. Real world knowledge

awww look at iron-game trying to make old pressy press feel ok about using broscience, lol, thnx brutha lol, and after i posted this shit, i started thinking for a little bit and realized I'm a walking talking bro-science encyclopedia lol,

i mean lets face it the medical community has lost a ton of sway with us ever since hearing so many ""Professionals"" tell us steroids were going to kill us and make us beat up our girl friends and wives lmao,

so yeah bro-science = real world experience for me anyhow
What cracks my ass up is when a member of mine (usually a newbie, not always) comes in and has a printed workout from some ahem "expert" on the web, (usually some pencil neck 145LB wanna be keyboard jockey) and thinks AH the magic bullet! Its usually a superset routine that anyone could have made up, or staggered sets for chest and back.

Ahh the trials and tribulations of being a rookie.....
For a long time in the beginning people thought bodybuilders were freaks and nobody understood why or how it was possible to grow so big. Body uilding was not mainstream. After arnie popularized it science needed to catch up and in some cases still hasnt caught up. Hence why bro science is so prevalent in this sport, for a long time all weve had was word of mouth from the big guys. All they didwas what worked for them at the time


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