looking for training partner in Ft Lauderdale


New member
got tired of my old partner(new GF making him miss training), time for change. I train at golds with a walkman on so I haven't made a ton of freinds while working out. 245 6ft so I've got a bit of size. I also bartend down here so I'm a good dude to know. thanks
you should try to hit up "stumpy" his head is finaLY SCREWED ON RIGHT BRO and i know he is a good partner, atleast he use to be, if i lived in the city i would bro, can i still get the drink hook ups though,lol,
You don't need a partner. There is always going to be some damn excuse. You're better off by yourself. You can get in, lift heavy weights, and get out. (I sound bitter don't I? :D )
press moved to ft lauderdale (fuck that snow bullshit) bring you lazy ass down and drinks are on me. fuck that cold weather. and rattle stupys cage a bit for me if you don't mind, although he always said good things about you.I'm sure he has it coming
Mr. Smythe is the only workout partner I have, lol.

For real, I get much more out of a partner then going alone. Everything set I do is to failure (for the most part).

Good luck finding one in the area bro.
You should have gone to the Orange Bowl last night. Lots of 5'5, 120 lbs studs there.

Seriously, sometimes people post flyers at a gym.
I've been training solo for 7 years now. Had a training partner in college but he only slowed me down. Finding a good one that knows what he/she is doing is tough...good luck.
i found that i actually push myself harder when i work out by myself i like the partner thing but cant find one that doesnt wanna talk about shit in there. so i just put on the ol mp3 player and get in and get done.
everyone in florida works the shit out of legs wich is great, when i was down there every guy and gal had great legs from ages 20-60 years old, just thought i would toss that in there
Gbart said:
i found that i actually push myself harder when i work out by myself i like the partner thing but cant find one that doesnt wanna talk about shit in there. so i just put on the ol mp3 player and get in and get done.

im with you bro, all my training partners aside from IP has no clue what the fuck there doing and i end up being a PT without getting paid for it lol. The past month though ive been going with my mp3 player, throwin on some underoath, norma jean or as i lay dying and i work as hard, if not harder than i would with a partner. Plus theres less bullshit, waiting to long between sets and the bullshit talkin that happens. i agree on an earlier post, get in, lift heavy, and get the fuck outta there. Come home and grow.