m1t problems?

yeah i have had the worst sides of any AAS when using M1T....it made my back hurt...blood pressure sky rocket...and best of all i got some gyno out of the deal....nasty stuff
I had high blood pressure, headaches, and no appetite from M1T. I loved the results from it though.
is this a legal supp. i have only seen it in legal form. its methal 1 test or sometiin right.
what is it. i thought it was a prohormone. i havent seen it with gear
it is illegal now...it was man of the supps on the ban list.....it is a prohormone....its the little brother of methyltestosterone.....hince the M-1-T

it is a powerful supplement but when you turn things like test in to orally viable supps....they can cause alot of bad sides like many of the alkaloids
i got itchy nipples this wk from it, got off of it quick wow man it felt like the gyno was coming, powerful shyt!!!!
i have buddies that are still having gyno issues and m1t is the only thing they have ever taken. It was only a 4 week cycle too. He used 6oxo for his pct....but then he got some nolva after seeing that the 6oxo wasnt doing the trick.....i just really have a bad opinion on m1t.....just because its in a pill form doesnt mean its safer
First time I tried it was super lethargic. I lasted about four days.

Second time, I got severe migraines from it.

Never again, when there is so many other goodies out there.