Martial Arts/gymnast cycles.


New member
Whats goin on guys. I have a question for anyone involoved with martial arts,wrestling, gymnastics, anything evolving alot of movement.As much as i love the iron, my first passion has always been capoeira. ( a brazillian martial art including alot of aerial kicks, and acrobatics.) I am getting ready for a Batizado, which is a capoeira festival, in Bahia brazil. Now i want a cycle that will supplement my martial arts, and bodybuilding regiment. without addding alot of water, drying out of the joints, and wont affect me too much cardiovasularly. I know thats asking alot. I wanted input on which cycles, have helped boost athletic performance the most aside from just lifting. During a bulker i dont care about water at all, but the batizado is in just over 2 months, and aas are legal in brazil and a whole lot of brazillian capoeirista's use, im not saying all do, but there are many, atleast that i have met, there very open about it, and most are in incredible condition, and i want to look like i deserve to be there when i go. On hand at the moment, i have......
4, 10 ml vials of primo at 100 mg/ml.
20 ml Sust, at 250 mg/ml
just about 15 ml Eq at 200 mg/ml,
And only about 7 ml deca at 200 mg/ml (A buddy started, stopped, and sold me the rest for cheap)
I was thinking either sust at a low 300-350 mg a week with 400 mga week of primo.
Or springing for more gear, and doing the same dose of sust with about 30-50 mg of Var a day. i was wondering if Prop would be better to avoid bloat with.
i have also thought about just running like 600 mg Eq for 10 weeks by itself.
Stats/Cycle History
195 lb's
5' 7.5"
bf % varies from around 7-10, my body reacts quick to diet good and bad ways.
23 yrs old in feb.
ran a couple SD cycles, then first real cycle was test E at 500 mg a week, and Eq at 400 mg the first couple weeks, then upped it to 600.
I know this was a lengthy post, but any help would be appreciated, thanks again guys.
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I'd probably go with test and deca since deca helps lubricate the joints. Sust is good, but your levels wouldn't be predictable since there are different esters in it. I'd go with normal test cyp or test e. Something good would probably be test e 500/wk and deca 400/wk. If you don't mind poking yourself more often, you could use prop 100 ed instead of the test e.

I'm exactly do you know AAS is legal in Brazil? You're going to the Bahia? Good luck! That's a very hot, humid area.
Thanks for the suggestion, i was wondering about deca myself, i know its good for the joints, but i heard alot of guys complain about getting winded quicker when on deca or tren, i kinda thought a cycle like this would be a bit bloaty. The only reason i stated that AAS are legal in Brazil is cause alot of Brazilian capoeirista come to the states for seminars, and the ones i have attended told me its easy to get juice out there cause its legal, unless i misunderstood him. Were gonna be in Bahia for about 5 days, then were gonna go to Rio for 3 days when the batizado is over and just enjoy the country. Thanks again for the suggestion.
eq and primo with low test or get some test prop as the water retention is low..deca will add water and its best run with high cals for maximum effect and you will add some good size with it but your cardio will suffer..
get yourself some GH if you can. Its great for the joints and will make you more flexible.
Damn, i never even considered touching GH until just now, cause it sounds perfect. Now, whats the minimum running time you should use GH for, i had heard it was useless if not ran for long periods of time, and can get real pricy, thanks for all the replies guys,
IrishPride, i like the sound of that, sounds liek it would be alot of oil, cause of the high doses needed for both primo and Eq, what doses do you recomend, will one enhance the effects of the other, allowing for lower effective doses? And what kind of dose on the test do you think, i had said earlier i was thinking around 300-350, is that high enough? Thanks again

Still open to anyone elses suggestions
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Watch yourself in Rio. Even if you're big, you could still get pick-pocketed or held up with a gun. They target North Americans there. The guy you talked to probably only said that AAS are easy to get there. Last I knew, they were illegal, but law enforcement is nothing--especially in Bahia or even Rio. The trick is getting them back home.

I had forgotten about GH--probably because it is so expensive. If you can afford it, I highly suggest it for building, but be careful because it can make joints stiff, too--something you don't want for Capoeira.
Saudades, thanks alot for the concern, i really appreciate it man. I will most definitley be carefull, i have been warned by more than one person to not stray far from the resort. thanks again man. its sounds liek youve been to Brazil if you have what was your experience like.
I spent a few weeks in Brazil and you can walk into any pharmacy and buy almost anything with or without a prescription. I'm not sure about the law there but when I was there my Ex wife was sick and a lot of people told us not to bother going to the Doc just go to a pharmacy... lol. Anyway I had a great experience there myself. As for your cycles I would definitely go with EQ because of the low water retention and the quality lean muscle that's easy to keep. I didn't see anyone recommend IGF but for your type of sport I think it would be perfect for you although you are young so it might not be as noticeable for someone your age, I would think the same would hold true for GH though.
Thanks for the reply mike, you think 600 mg for the eq is ok, and i cant tell if you mean Eq alone, or on top of a test base, Its the only aas that i read isnt a horrible idea to run on its on. Or do you think as high as 800. What would you think of 400 and 400, eq and primo, or will i suffer some bad shutdown sides.
I would suggest the EQ with a test base or with the Primo and you can run Proviron if you're worried about being shut down. Proviron acts as a mild anti-e and will also increase your sex drive and is anabolic so it's a win-win. I've run EQ by itself at 800mg with Proviron and had some really nice gains but you need to be very mindful of your blood pressure and do your cardio to help shed the RBC's.
I think im gonna run the Eq Primo combo, cause i have on hand enough for that right now, i would hav eto buy more Eq to run 800 mg a week, this way i can run 400 and 400, and if i feel shut down, eithr throw in soem maintaince doses of test, or just opr for the proviron, thanks alot for the advice guys, really appreciate all the help.