Milk thistle- How it really protects.


Milk thistle ( Silymarin ) has been used by many to protect the liver. Some perceptions of it include it creating a barrier in the liver, pushing toxins out, regenerating the liver etc etc etc.

So I read the research. The simple fact is that Milk thistle Amps up the liver increasing Liver Metabolism by as much as three times it's normal cycle creating a heightened environment of detoxification. So it does detox indirectly by stimulating the Liver.

I just thought it was an interesting little tid bit of info.
I need to go get some of this stuff. They have it at Walgreens where I live.
its one of the things that are in's cycle support. I swear its great for hangovers!
its one of the things that are in's cycle support. I swear its great for hangovers!

That makes alot of sense since the liver bares the burden of burning off that alcohol......In theory that would mean no or faster recovery from a hangover.
Just got some a few days ago, and I think it is helping. My appetite seems better, too.