Mom and Pop GYMs


New member
It really sucks they're all gone. Ive been traveling a lot. Its crazy... how these gyms now days have become so plastic. Less geared to weight lifting and more geared to cardio. It sucks!
Good thread. One of the only gyms I trained at about 20 years ago was an abandoned meal plant that a bunch of guys put there own equipment in. Hard core is right. Mostlt power lifters and boxers. Rusted stuff but the atomsphere was awesome. I donated a few pieces. Lost touch when I moved. I would love to own a small "mom-pop" gym. I have a nice set-up in my basement. Maybe when I semi-retire. Prob is my area seems to suck for lifters. Bunch of "cross-fit", boot camp types
The best gym I ever went was way out in the country in the middle of nowhere that was open all the time. There was no heat or ac but it had loud music and a lot of weights. The only guys that you would see there was the ones that were really serious, so it was just a few of us. But some asshole went in there one and stole a bunch of stuff and the guy shut it down.
i have always worked out at "chain gyms"...and those are OK for basic things...however, i recently joined a stripped down, hardcore, "mom & pop" type gym in the next town over from me that is run by a former competitive bodybuilder who has been doing this his entire life...i plan on utilizing both gyms...the more commercial gym for cardio/basic weight training and saving my more hardcore, strength building movements (squats, deadlifts, etc) for the more hardcore gym where i can get more guidance and proper spots...i'll see how the combination works out...
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