more muscle mass from trenbolone


New member
I’m on week 3 of trenbolone acetate 250mgs a week with 100mgs of test prop.
6’2’’ 185 pounds and 11-13% body fat.
I’ve been training for strength and now switching over to more hypertrophy training. I’m going to be adding in a German volume program from here on out to really maximize my results.
Now where I need your help is on other steroids I should be adding on my current cycle.
I’m on week 3 of trenbolone acetate 250mgs a week with 100mgs of test prop.
6’2’’ 185 pounds and 11-13% body fat.
I’ve been training for strength and now switching over to more hypertrophy training. I’m going to be adding in a German volume program from here on out to really maximize my results.
Now where I need your help is on other steroids I should be adding on my current cycle.
you shouldnt add more steroids

test ace and test prop is enough for you and drop tren to 200mgs/week