more salt intake for gaining weight?


New member
If you raise your salt intake I heard that you gain more fat weight , So my question is , is that true because it is easier to build muscle when you have more fat right? So if this is true and I start eating more salt on things that I eat then I should be able to build muscle easier.
But I dont like the extra fat look on my body so if I just drink some protein shakes and eat alot of protein and carbs instead of eating more salt to put on fat. I can still build muscle without having to put on the extra fat so I kind of keep my physique.
Increased sodium will increase water retention not fat, and its no easier to put on muscle when you are fat have never heard that one before, an excess of clean calories is the best way to build muscle you may put some fat on along the way but the fat you put on has little relation to how you are packing on muscle
Ok thanks

Alright thanks , was just making sure of all of that. I have one question Im thinking about either getting a weight gainer with 55g of protein and like 150 carbs or something. or either a protein shake that has 60g of protein and 12g of carbs. So what one do you think I should take. Im basically eating alot of peanut butter sandwiches cause they arent expensive and pretty good amount of protein. But I also eat stuff like hamburgers , pasta , pizzas , things that my mom normally cooks.

these are the 2 products im talking about

also here is a creatine link , tell me what you think?
Malic said:
If you raise your salt intake I heard that you gain more fat weight , So my question is , is that true because it is easier to build muscle when you have more fat right? So if this is true and I start eating more salt on things that I eat then I should be able to build muscle easier.
But I dont like the extra fat look on my body so if I just drink some protein shakes and eat alot of protein and carbs instead of eating more salt to put on fat. I can still build muscle without having to put on the extra fat so I kind of keep my physique.

I just replied to your other post about water retention that you "heard" about. Where are you hearing these supposed theories?

It makes no sense at all that the more sodium intake, the more fat and or muscle you'll build. Eat right, TRAIN HARD and you'll gain muscle mass. There's no secret to it, you're young and you've got lots of testosterone raging through your system right now to build muscle.
Yeah need to stop going with these things you hear. There are no secrets to this hobby/sport. All you need to do is eat your protein, carbs, and healthy fats and train hard. That's it. No need to take steroids. No need to take fancy supplements. No need to waste your cash little bro. If you want buy some creatine and protein. That's it. Take 5g creatine post workout with your whey protein shake. Try to get most of your protein with whole foods. Take advantage of living at home with your parents. Food is pretty much free for you for the most part so enjoy it! lol.

I spent way too much money on worthless supps when I was 18 or 19 years old when I should've just spent that hard earned cash on some protein. I can just imagine how much protein I could've had with the amount of money I spent on other things. Big mistake that I've learned from...

I don't know how many times we need to tell you this bro. Just believe us. We're just trying to steer you in the right direction. Do you understand this bro??? You need to focus on your diet and training. Those are the questions you should be asking. Not about some "magic" supplement.
some people kind of like to hold water. it makes you look bigger but you are not hard. me, i would rather be hard as a rock
Btw to much Sodium is not good for your bdoy, it's dehydrates your kidney and chances of developing kidney 2 cents
Malic said:
Alright thanks , was just making sure of all of that. I have one question Im thinking about either getting a weight gainer with 55g of protein and like 150 carbs or something. or either a protein shake that has 60g of protein and 12g of carbs. So what one do you think I should take. Im basically eating alot of peanut butter sandwiches cause they arent expensive and pretty good amount of protein. But I also eat stuff like hamburgers , pasta , pizzas , things that my mom normally cooks.

these are the 2 products im talking about

also here is a creatine link , tell me what you think?

To be honest bro I think you need to totally re-think your diet if you are training as a bodybuilder, those weight gainers protein powders are fine but you need to get the rest of your diet in check, peanut butter sandwiches and hamburgers are not a quality bulking diet
I Know

I can really do anything about it , im living at home with my parents and well they buy and eat whatever they want. When they go to the store they dont buy the stuff I want to eat because they wont be eating it. Plus they dont make alot of money so we cant really buy stuff in bulk to save. If they do have any extra money for the week when i ask em to get me some stuff like some boneless chicken breasts or something. They say they forgot when they come home.

The only thing that im going to start taking is protein shakes. Along with my eating a good diet once i can come up with the money for it. The protein shakes 40 servings in there. So that will last me 40 days for 25 dollars less than 75cents a day so thats a little cheaper to get my parents to buy for me until I get a job and can buy my own food and everything

Could someone please make me a little meal planner for each day of the week? I weight about 125-130 sometimes get up to 135.
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well its kind of hard for us to help you bro. We don't know what your workout and cardio look like. But you should stick to the basics and then modify your diet from there because none of us will be able to tell you how your body reacts to certain diets better than you. If you wanna do a lean bulker which is the best way in my opion because you don't have to worry about losing too much fat when you wanna cut. Eat 2grms of protein per each pound you weigh. Carbs you should try 300 grams of comple. Only have simple carbs b4 or after your work out. Stay away from Trans fats. 1tbl spoon of flax seed oil in the morning and one b4 bedtime. If you are drinking alot of water it is a good idea to buy some multi vita/min. Since water can get rid of those. Glutamine is good too. You should try to eat 2,700 to 3,000 calories per day. But here is the tricky part if you notice you are gaining alot more fat than muscle than eat all your carbs b4 6-7pm. Or if you feel like you are not gaining weight add more calories and carbs. This is why alot of people fail because they don't have the patience and experience with food. Now as far as money goes it is an expensive sport/hobie. It cost alot of money to eat clean bro. Good luck and BE PATIENT. Once you get a job you will be able to buy the food you want. I am sure your parents would give you money for food and sups if they had it bro. But be good to them because God forbid once they are gone you are on your own.
TheElmo said:
But be good to them because God forbid once they are gone you are on your own.

BUMP Elmo...Hey eating clean is no fun...lets be real (kinda sucks) but the results DO come. Even when I am dieting for a show, I feel I get more muscular. Moreso than when I eat like shit for the week or two after. One solution may be to get a wholesaler card. Not sure where you are from, but a Sams or Costco card here cost $35. I save at least that each trip and buy in bulk. I can get 4# of broccoli cheap as hell, rice and oats as well. Meat is the killer, but I use a small family owned meat market. They know me well now and give me a little hook-up. Look for those where you can. Every penny helps...
When you turn 16, you can legally work--hopefully that isn't too far off. Get yourself a part-time job (but don't neglect your studies either), and then you'll have some money to buy whatever extra food you need. Don't blow any of it on any fancy supplements, just get the quality food you need. Learn to cook/prepare it yourself. No one is going to get you in top shape except you. Until you turn 16, hang in there and focus on your training.
My bday is July 2 , and then since it will be over the summer , after I get with some friends and go partying and everything. Ill get a job as soon as I can. Cause one of my brothers works at this Stone company place. Southeast Stone Co. They make like stone siding for houses and stuff. And my bro got good connections there cause the boss people like em. Also the owners live right down the road from me like a 2-3 minute walk downhill to their house , but its a bitch walking back up 35 degree hill lol. But anyway maybe then I can get atleast an 8 an hr probably.
Well save up your money and you could afford food and protein powder no problem after working a couple of weeks. Supplement your free diet with extra meat, and protein powder.
Chin up, man!! When I was young my family was poor, but I didn't realize it. We ate mayo sandwhiches, Peter Pan peanut butter, and powdered milk. But you know what?!?! I loved it!! My favorite was mayo sandwhiches!!!!

The point? My father was still staying in shape. I remember the weights in the living room...unfortunately he sold them to keep us afloat. But before I came along, and kind-of messed everything up, my dad was into bodybuilding and he was in tip-top shape. I asked him what he ate. He said he was pretty low on money before me and he ate peanut butter and crackers. He doesn't remember if it was Peter Pan, but I bet it was. ...I'll never forget those buckets, because when the peanut butter was gone...I had a new toy!!

So, keep your chin up. You can still be in the best shape of your life!!! For real...he was looking very, very buff!! You can too.
LOL :) "when the peanut butter was out you had a new toy" sorry was that bad for you........ my dad used to eat peanut butter all the time also and he was huge like 30 years ago still a little big but hes shrinking alot 53 years old but still benches 275 and weighs around 170-180. Ive been trying to eat alot of peanut butter. I love that storebrand it spread really easy :)
Hey Malic, im not sure where you got the information on sodium and gaining weight but you arent completely off base hear, although i would not, and none of us would reccomend increasing sodium intake to gain fat to turn into muscle, just like everyone has said, eat right, train hard, and get enough rest for recovery. Sodium is an essential mineral that will help(although not what you should focus on) for muscle growth. Sodium has a bad rap because it can cause water retention - anathema to contest ready bodybuilders. On the plus side, sodium enhances carbohydrate storage and amino acid absorption while also improving the muscle's responsiveness to insulin. Keep up the hard work though buddy, stick to it and listen to what people say on here and you will succed in obtaining your goals.
So, you're doing good!! Keep eating as good as you can and keep working out...if that's your looks like you're doing real good already!!!! Keep it up!!!!
I didn't realise ytou were so young bro, you have a long time to build all the muscle you want, for now eat what you can afford learn how to train hard and when you can afford more go for it, you obviously have the drive to be a bodybuilder and everything else will hopefully come with time