Muscle Chem, Advanced Supplements IGF Trial Run

310 4x5
330 1x3
350 2x2
395 1x1

Today was pretty epic. I smashed an old PR with the SSB and did it going below parallel and without knee wraps.

Muscle Research / MRSupps goodies are in full effect, my diet is on point and my training couldn't be more perfect DESPITE my injuries.

I will not be defeated and believe me when I say I tackle my personal life issues just as I do my gym issues.

Stay strong people. And remember you are only as good as the effort you put in...

Here's a pic of my old squat vs new

I am officially out of the IGF
But I am going to give this product my 10000 :) I like taking it before my carbs and I fill like a manimal
Bro, if i were ever in a fight i would want you right next to me lol, who in the fuck tears their bicep off, goes to emergency room then comes back and trains hard 2 days later lmao, you my friend are the official definition of "Beast"
I second that!
No shit, who trains that heavy after a tear and that too in a slongshot!?