My Axio Syntrop GH MC IGF1 SLIN PCT/Bridge Cycle


Not heavy but always arse to the ground
135 x 25
225 x 20
225 x 20
225 x 14
135 x 50 BRUTAL

leg Extensions
160 x 50
190 x 40
190 x 45
250 x 18

leg press (machine) 30 sec intervals
The stack
395 x 15 x 4
395 x 21 TOAST

abs 20 mins

Saturday 45 mins cardio
Sunday - Rest
Dunno Whats going on but I just jumped on the bathroom scale and it read 240.7 and not that great but ****

Took a phone picture you can still see my abs gotta be a combination of the deca kicking in and 4 days straight suspension at 1 1/2cc ED

Better keep a close eye on my nips coz I'm blowing up, ill get picture up in next 20 minutes it was taken right after weigh in which was 1130pm bare in mind I normally weigh myself in the mornings after breakfast but still WTF

Oh and WO was ok too :) Bis/shoulders infact shoulders were so pumped that Bis were a struggle for first 10 minutes until my shoulders calmed down
