My diet


New member
Alright, I need you guys to crituqe this one for me, I've been keeping the carbs about 100-125g per day. I won't bore you with the details as to which foods, but basically it looks like this

35-40g protein and 15-20 carbs 7:30 am
30-35 protein and 10-15 carbs every 2 1/2 hrs
15 g protein and 15 g carbs (sugar-fruit) post workout 7:30pm
40g protein and no carbs 9:30 pm

I take 3 fish or flax tabs 3X a day maybe some peanuts or nat peanut butter post workout.

I am currently 5'7''180 @ roughly 12%bf, would like to drop that into the single digits soon

cardio 45 min am and 20min post workout. Currently running:

test 800 (prop & cyp)
tren 100 ED
eq 600 wk (might bump this up to 8 next wk)
winny 45 Ed
start t3 today.

Also, how do you guys feel about eating before bed? I currently go to bed in the 10-10:30 range So should I scrap the post workout shake and eat the meal a little earlier with some sugar involved? or is it fine the way it is?
All imput is appreciated
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Id rather see all your carbs post work out and up your protein post workout, post workout your body will go into a catabolic state if it does not have some carbs and protein, instead why not help it out with some protein and carbs and shift to anabolism instead. During the day use some fats to compensate for the lack of carbs if you would like. Also you can drop the post workout cardio until you hit platue, because you will already be entering a catabolic state the cardio will only make it worse, so save it for when you really need it. Before bead you can have a protein shake, that way it wont turn into fat and it will help spare some muscle. Their is many different ways of dieting but thats my 2 cents.
sounds like a good plan, but man 700mg a week of tren seems high to me, but if ya can handle it then why not
I hear you presser, I've always done 75ED. That 25 ED has made this cycle a whole new experience lol. Sides are not that bad, but more than I ever experienced. More short tempered, body hair is growing out of me like weeds, and I can't sleep for more that 2-3 hrs at a time before I wake up hot and sweaty. However, dispite that I do like it. The vascularity is amazing, never thought tren was that good for veins, but now I think differently. I'm gonna be a beast when the eq kicks in, lol.
getripped said:
Your protein is low if you're cutting ~ 150g top from your diet. I would up that to 200-250g.

yourright bro it does seem low, I didnt actualy add it up before but i thought it was around 250 for some reason, anyhow brew do you take in more protien then what you posted bro? Shakes etc plus that food
Well not really, although I've upped the post workout shake to have about 30g of pro. Basically, 1 1/2 scoops isopure after cardio with some oats then 140g of pro while at work tehn 30 post workout and 40 or so about an hour before bed. So daily total is around 235 give or take 10g. I figure I'm 160-62 lean mass so 240 is about where I should be right? Thanks for the help fellas, hows the carbs look? I'm gettin about 70 complex up untill 5 pm then some fruit post workout, maybe 15g there.
carbs look good and low to me, hell i started out at 70 carbs and below dieting for my shows, so its pretty low in my opinion which is what ur shooting for anyhow, man i hate low carbs,lol
I would up the protein to 250, cut out the post workout cardio and have a 50% protein 50% high glycemic carbs. Reduce rest periods between sets to 30 seconds, and try cycling your carbs, this will keep your metabolism going strong. And wear a heart rate moniter when doing cardio if you have one, it helps out quite a bit. What type of protein powder are you using? Just Whey? Also what other supplements are you using?
You could give this diet a try, I tried it after reading the article re-ascending mount olympus by Author L. Rea, it's called the diet of the gods lol. You take your bodyweight x10 and that's your starting point for calories then you break it down like this: 50% protein/ 20% carbs/ 30% fat. Sounds like more fat than most people are used to but you have to make sure that almost all of it is from hemp/flax/fish oil. And try your best to eat as much as your carbs as possible post-workout. I've got the 4 part article if you'd like to see it.
I would take in more protein especially Postworkout and up your carbs post workout, cut the fat out post workout and have 8oz chicken breast and 1tbspn beanut butter before you go to bed instead of the shake! 2 packets of flavored oatmeal added to your protein pw will do the trick!