MY KIDNEYS? Please answer quickly

If you are not getting yourself checked (and that is insane at this point) then the easiest test for diabetic resistance is not eat for 10 hours the take a spoon of sucrose and check sugar 30 minutes later with glucometer. if over 130....yeah baby...
another good source for cranberry is to take the Cran Exract pills, all the benefits of the Cranberry juice without having to drink a jug of it a day... I still drink some Cranberry but use the pills to supplement how much I'm getting.

And Blueberries are great antioxidants, the healthiest way to get your Vitamins are lots of berries, strawberries, cantaloupe, spinach, corn... just my opinion
I never have a problem and I drink it all the time... what kind of cranberry juice are you drinking? some are mixed with other things(sugars, apple juice etc.) that could be contributing to giving you the runs... Try and get 100% Cran juice, just a thought
Kurupt, I'm a diabetic and one of my kidneys died (nothing to do with diabetes). Nothing to do with juice either: I'm juicing now but I wasn't yet juicing when diabetes and kidney problems started.
Let me tell you a few things :
1) kidney problems don't hurt, you don't feel anything. If you're sore it's probably something else (tendons, vertebras, bowels...)
2) there's a good way to check if you have problems : ask your doctor for lab works : 24 h. creatine clearance (urine works) and blood creatine (blood works). Even if it's bad it could be temporary. If it's good, no problems. You can have a scanner too but it's expensive.
3) I really can't see how it could have anything to do with diabetes.
4) 5 cycles in 10 months : it's just good : one month on, one month off ; better than longer cycles

I know from experience it flushes the system like no other!!!

Follow in my footsteps brotha man!!!


PS-No, dont' do that.....bad idea....I was wondering why I can't piss or when I do its almost black. DAMN IT I KNEW I WAS DOING SOMETHING WRONG!!!
Geebee said:
Kurupt, I'm a diabetic and one of my kidneys died (nothing to do with diabetes). Nothing to do with juice either: I'm juicing now but I wasn't yet juicing when diabetes and kidney problems started.
Let me tell you a few things :
1) kidney problems don't hurt, you don't feel anything. If you're sore it's probably something else (tendons, vertebras, bowels...)
True, kidney problems can go undetected but kidney pain does exist. Yes, I had my bloodworks done and my creatinine, liver values etc.. were very high and traces of blood were in my urine. This is not uncommon if you push things a little too far and it is not a fun time whatsover. I was not definitely saying it is his kidney's, only it could be.
Shockfusion, traces of blood in your urine ... it must have been a hard time for you. Do you know the reason for that ?
This happened a few years back. To be honest, it was due to being young and stupid. I started of very conservatively and cautious then went the complete opposite. Dosages too high, too many orals at one time, and being "on" for way too long. Never got gyno though which was interesting. Lesson learned!
I'm glad you could overcome it. Same happened to a few people I know from other forums (too much dianabol for too long)
Also bro eat cherries!! There freakin awesome tasting. There the black cherries with the little seed in em. Suppose to be as good as cranberries. Also I have heard the best thing is ALA. helps the liver and kidneys like no other. Saw a study on here that even someone using a strong free radical producer like DNP, and taking 3grams of ALA a day neutrilized close to 100% of all the free radicals. I have used it and the stuff is awesome!!!!!!!!!!!! Of course any berry and lots of water is great for kidneys! Hope that helps
kurupt, you don't need to drink that much. I did it too but was told by the doctor it was too much and with less water (but still plenty) I had better urine-works.
I too had the same problem as you did only on both sides... My pee started to get darker and thats when I drank alot of water and bought kidney cleanse pills from gnc and also lowered my dose big time until the problem went away, it took about a week and they stopped hurting...
go ahead and keep laughing because now im fine and im bigger than ever. 18 years old weighing 215lbs with 11%BF at 6ft and just turned 18 so keep laughin. and yeah i know im young but im willing to take that risk
Kurupt said:
go ahead and keep laughing because now im fine and im bigger than ever. 18 years old weighing 215lbs with 11%BF at 6ft and just turned 18 so keep laughin. and yeah i know im young but im willing to take that risk

Yeah, but is it cool really to shorten your life for the sake of looking good?
You should limit your cycles to no more than 2 a me I have been using for 20 years, and I was wise in my use.
But kurupt's cycle seem to be short. 5 in 10 months that's one month on one month off.
Kurupt, can you tell us what cycles you had in 10 months and how much BW you got and you keep each time?
1st cycle 1 bottle of test prop
2nd cycle deca 200 and test 200
3rd cycle Eq and winny
4th cycle primo,winny, prop, and clen
5th cycle test 250 and deca 300

started in october of last year and weighed 185lbs with about 15% BF now weigh 215lbs with 11% BF
Well done, Kurupt. How long were your cycles, what ptc did you do, especially for the 2 last cycles (you kept more) ?
I've done 10 cycles already, started an 11th one and planned two more before the end of the year. I'm 200 lbs and I long for 220 . That will be difficult but I'll try.