Rick Collins

New member
Senator Biden is at it again, with his brand new proposed "Anabolic Steroid Control Act of 2003." This bill would remove the words "promotes muscle growth" from the definition of an anabolic steroid, specifically exempt DHEA, and make a long list of prohormones into anabolic steroids. It specifically holds off on scheduling androstenedione until the FDA answers whether androstenedione is properly a dietary supplement (a bizarre twist, given that it was congressional attention to that particular compound that started this whole mess). To add insult to injury, it tells the U.S. Sentencing Commission to consider upping the punishments for steroid offenses (a boost for the War on Drugs). It also throws millions of tax dollars into education and surveys.

Before panic sets in, please understand that this is a bill, not a law. It is a significant milestone, but is far from the end of the process. It may not be the final version of what may ultimately be voted upon by Congress. It may not pass, or it may pass with changes. The House is reportedly going to do hearings on prohormones in the fall or spring. If held, these hearings would take place before the bill was even called to a vote.

Biden's bill was drafted without USFA ( input or support. The consumers and industry members of the USFA opposed legislation like this from the start, opposed it in every meeting we had on the Hill, and oppose it still. Presently, if prohormones are to be saved, I believe we need to focus more on grassroots support. The Olympia Expo will offer a great chance to reach a huge chunk of the fitness-minded public at the USFA booth.

Ironically, the attack on supplements started because of ephedra. Now, ephedra remains legal while prohormones -- which aren't even alleged to be killing anyone -- are on the chopping block. The process has gone terribly astray due to politics and special interests. Spread the word.

Rick Collins
Thanks for posting,'s truly an honor to have your knowledge and input on the board.

As I don't normally have anything constructive to add, I'll instead make light of the above statements by saying that steroids are evil, evil drugs. I know countless individuals who - in an effort to finance their d-bol, EQ, test stacks - have robbed federal banks, stolen from their parents and loved ones, knocked over 7-11's, and even performed homosexual acts for money.

I can't understand why the federal gov't feels the need to attack the fitness industry. I know a ton of people who have gotten drunk and crashed their cars or got into senseless fights at a bar when someone "looked at them the wrong way" one seems to want to limit the amount of alcohol that's sold.....shit man, cigarette smoking alone kills roughly 1200 people per day

Granted, the ratio of performance enhancing supplement users to alcohol and tobacco users is a bit stilted, but the fact still remains that what we're doing to ourselves in an effort to look better isn't killing a family with children at two in the morning as we run a stoplight..................
Mr. Collins is there anyone we could write to or petition that opposes this bill, for reasons of having the bill defeated? In your opinion would such a petition do any good?
Here's a letter composed by MikeS, a mod from Pro Muscle, that everyone can and should send to Senator Biden:

Mr Joe Biden
US Senator Deleware
201 Russell Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510

Dear Mr Joe Biden- August 22, 2003

I have read your statements and position regarding Anabolic Steroids (AS) and the future hearings regarding such. And now you propose the new and amended AS Control Act of 2003, citing prohormones and stiffer penalties particularly for the casual user, who is committing one of the least dangerous victimless crimes imaginable. If passed, many average people simply seeking increased cosmetic improvement through these substances and exercise will be turned into hunted criminals, their lives subject to ruin. Is this really what this country desperately needs, more policing of what should be private matters? I must protest your irresponsible crusade against relatively harmless substances in which you likely know little or nothing about. The DEA, HHS, AMA, and all the medical experts opposed the original bill of 1990. What does some fat, high school coach knows in comparison to these experts, since that is with whom the case against these drugs was presented.

I am a bodybuilder, and not even doctors (with a few exceptions), but WE are the experts in this field. I have studied the science of anabolic sports pharmacology for 15yrs. I am well versed on the subject. What credentials do you have that supports your demonization of these relatively harmless substances, and even their basically inert counterparts-prohormones and such? And if you’d like to change the required definition of an illegal steroid so it may blanket substances that do not even promote muscle growth, then actually what in fact do these supplements do that is so terrible and dangerous? Not that steroids are dangerous in comparison to what originally was supposed to classify Scheduled drugs-addictive properties, potential for abuse, harmful psychoactive potential.

I will use a personal friend who’s been around bodybuilding for 20yrs – call him “Mike.” Mike’s wife has been a mortician for 10 years and a nurse for 10 years before that. Neither of them has seen any severe adverse effects from steroids, and certainly not death. NEVER. Actual causes of death, despite the media laying the blame on steroids, including-Lyle Alzado; AIDS related brain cancer. Davey Smith/Rick Rude/Brian Pillman; painkillers and the deterioration from those drugs. Don’t you think there should be some responsibility in investigating facts supported by actual evidence, other than the outrageous, jump on the anti-steroid bandwagon, opinions of some uneducated politician and media, provoked by the needs of Sports Governing Bodies? It is simply sensationalism via journalism, and since the public has no actual knowledge of this subject, they assume the media reporters are knowledgeable, and take that information as fact. Let the Sports Bodies determine their own agenda citing 'unfair advantage,' and not include the general public in its witch-hunt against steroids. It is two separate programs, we citizens should not be bound by the laws of fairness in sports. Here lies the danger in your warfare against these substances. It justifies the legalization of a performance/cosmetic enhancing drug-certainly less harmful than legal lyposuction, plastic surgery, breast enhancement...etc; and with steroids, the performance is only enhanced by honest hard work, proper nutrition, unlike all those surgical procedures. And women can take sex hormones for aging, birth control; both sexes can use hormones if they desire a sex change. If a man required hormone replacement therapy (testosterone) is it viewed as a catastrophe; if a woman goes on HPT (estrogen), the treatment of this condition is totally acceptable. Not to mention the legalization of very harmful drugs such as tobacco and alcohol. Making laws that affect the entire population in order to legislate or govern a minute body of athletes (Olympics, Baseball) is preposterous. The vast majority of athletes is just looking for better bodies, increased strength, and results for their grueling work and nutrition practices; and are NOT professional athletes. These sports are fully capable of determining their own regulations, and we as citizens should not have to be held to standards set in order to govern their sports. It has happened before-the hysteria of Ben Johnson's Olympic incident resulted in the Anabolic Steroid Control Act of 1990. It criminalizes these drugs as Schedule III, along with drugs such as cocaine, amphetamines, and morphine. This is a travesty! Courts are treating hard working athletes in the same vein as recreational drug addicts! Do you suggest harsher laws? I surely hope not, and if so - you are a prime example of the need for education PRIOR to comments and decisions being discussed on issues.

I know vast amounts of steroid users - it is the most typical cross section of productive America you will ever see. Lawyers, Doctors, Policemen, Firemen, computer geeks, accountants, I could go on. Your typical neighbors. So why are some of the reasons that steroids are illegal, and otherwise honest taxpaying, working athletes are subject to jail for its use? Steroids don’t cause heart attacks, liver failure, rage. Rage is caused by immature behavior – it’s an excuse to act viscous. The early studies on liver failure was done on sickly, geriatric patients who were on massive (much more than any healthy athlete would use) doses of the steroid Anadrol, and those studies have since been discredited. Some types of steroids can raise blood pressure temporarily, while it will return to normal after cessation of its use. Adolescents should not use them regardless-and that is not effected by their being legal or not. We know the whole 'save our kids' slogan is being used to support this bill. Certainly nobody wants adolescents using these substances-and that should be clear. Why not focus on alcohol and cigarettes if you really want to save the kids from some harmful substances? That would be time and money well spent; not the money wasted in proposed grants and time used to sell this ridiculous anti-supplement campaign. Certainly there are some side effects. If that is reported responsibly people can educate themselves and take precautions, using these drugs in a responsible way. It is very possible - I’ve been doing so for 18yrs. So have many, many people I know. I studied and became responsible for using these substances correctly-as any adult should do before they indulge in any similar type of activity. Most all these adults are leading responsible lives, and can be trusted with handling supplements in a responsible way. They are (again) - lawyers, doctors, construction workers, computer programmers, engineers, policemen, firemen, actors, and politicians (I could name 2 quickly). Get the picture? You will be ruining and interfering with the lives of these otherwise responsible citizens, when they face the legal shackles you present. Mike has no aliments. His condition is amazing for a 44 year old. Learn to drive before you get a car - or you would wreck it immediately; should cars be illegal because of this? No one should spend ONE DAY in jail because of steroids. The unjust laws are a reflection of general public and lawmakers uninformed opinions. Which begins with opinions not supported by facts or knowledge, such as the damaging opinions created from your standpoint. I could recommend a fine web site for education made by a prominent professional, lawyer Rick Collins. His web site is - examine it with open mind and then I would welcome your further comments in regard to Anabolics.

If you have any questions or comments, I would welcome a reply. I would be willing to discuss this, on any platform, with anyone who cares to share information. Lawyer Rick Collins would surely also welcome any discussion of these matters.

Doesn’t this country have endless REAL (terrorism, crimes with actual victims) issues, other than obsessive concerns on how to interfere with a mans right to create adaptations to his physique through hard work, nutrition, and supplementation, pharmaceutical or otherwise? See Roe vs. Wade-the woman’s right to do as she sees fit in regard to her own body. If anything, the issue at hand should be, why are honest hardworking athletes being crucified, and at risk of incarceration, for the attempt and desire to change their physique for the better? Why not be a pioneer and take that platform?

Please, I am not a residence of Delaware. But this is a National issue, and it requires educated attention. Please reply in email to this issue I present, which you have chosen to become involved with.

(your name)
Welcome to MC Mr. Collins, thank you for your input.
We sorely need a grass roots effort involving everyone who chooses to use AAS to thwart this new attack on our personal lives. We are definately a minority of the population, and have to somehow get the word (truth) out to the general population along with our polititions on the real facts of AAS usage. The exagerated and baseless claims made by the uninformed have created a widespread public aversion to the use of AAS, and the ensuing witch-hunt.
The letter WeirdAl posted is a good place to start, and I intend to send a similar one to Senator Biden, along with other polititions, but we need to seek more ways to get the word out. It is a big job and an uphill battle, but it needs to be fought, and fought by all of us.
As BigShug said, there seems to be no rational reason to ban these substances, other than the mis-information that is out there. People want to believe the worst in this matter, and we need to do what we can to get the truth out. Any ideas that anyone can come up with to further this cause should be presented here, so we can fight this nonsense together.
We have a daunting task ahead of us brothers... we'd best get started.
I would also like to plug Ricks book "Legal Muscle" purchase this book by clicking on the banner below.

Let's not sit back idle and let this pass. If we have the attitude that we are in no danger of it passing, then it will pass. It's only by speaking up that we can let people know how we feel, that we don't want our rights taken away from us. And not only are pro-hormones on the verge of being banned, but the penalties for AAS are set to increase, as well!

I agree that the government should butt out of what we do to our body - and I can let that be known by speaking up!
I'm printing this out and signing/sending it tomorrow. Also I think I may draft a letter to my area Senator.
WeirdAl said:
Let's not sit back idle and let this pass. If we have the attitude that we are in no danger of it passing, then it will pass. It's only by speaking up that we can let people know how we feel, that we don't want our rights taken away from us. And not only are pro-hormones on the verge of being banned, but the penalties for AAS are set to increase, as well!

I agree that the government should butt out of what we do to our body - and I can let that be known by speaking up!

My man!
spidey at fitnessgeared posted this, thinking the other one was a little too much... anyway, it's pretty well written, too:

Mr Joe Biden
US Senator Deleware
201 Russell Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510

Dear Mr Joe Biden- August 22, 2003

I have read your statements and position regarding Anabolic Steroids (AS) and the future hearings regarding such. And now you propose the new and amended AS Control Act of 2003, citing prohormones and stiffer penalties particularly for the casual user. If passed, many average people simply seeking increased cosmetic improvement through these substances and exercise will be turned into hunted criminals, their lives subject to ruin. Is this really what this country desperately needs, more policing of what should be private matters?

The DEA, HHS, AMA, and all the medical experts opposed the original bill of 1990. It is a clinical fact that steroids are not physically addictive. They are certainly less fraught with risk than many legal procedures designed to enhance appearance such as liposuction, breast implants and other surgeries. A steroid treatment under the care of a liscensed physician could produce better results with a fraction of the risk associated with these procedures.

It seems as if the main driving force behind steroid legislation is the sports lobby and their need to keep performance enhancing drugs out of sports. However, the vast majority of people who use steroids or who would use them if they were legal are regular everyday people who are not competitive athletes. These people use steroids to enhance their appearance and feelings of well-being. Why should steroids be illegal for those people? Why should otherwise law-abiding, productive members of society be incarcerated, have their lives ruined and their families destroyed all because they wanted to enhance their appearance? Why is their only legal recourse to enhance their appearance risky, even life threatening, surgery when there is a much less risky alternative? That is simply unethical and contrary to the legislation's aim of protecting the people's health.

As for the sports associations, they already have policies banning the use of performance enhancing drugs. Random testing of athletes is the norm to insure they are not "cheating". It is neither necessary nor fair that the entire country of 260 million plus people be subjected to the same policies as the sports associations. Do not people have some fundemental right to their own bodies when others are not affected? Is this not how Rowe vs. Wade was decided? Steroids do not affect anyone but the one using them. Studies have shown that they do not cause uncontrolled aggression. They do not intoxicate or impair one's ability to function. They are not physically addictive. Cigaretts and alcohol are both many times more harmful to health and society than steroids yet they are both legal. No one contracts cancer from second hand smoke caused by someone using steroids and no one kills an entire family by crashing into their minivan because they were driving while impaired by steroids.

I know many steroid users. It is the most typical cross section of productive America you will ever see. Lawyers, Doctors, Policemen, Firemen, computer geeks, accountants, politicians; I could go on. Your typical neighbors. These people are not "cheating" in sports and do not deserve to have their lives and families destroyed simply because they chose a safer alternative than surgery to enhance their appearance.

Senator Biden, there are other more pressing issues of public safety that the legislature could be working on such as terrorism, Iraq, and narcotics enforcement.

Although I am sure you have endeavored to educate yourself on the issue of steroids, I fear you may have only read one side of a very polarized issue and thus may be missing the larger picture. I could recommend a fine web site for education made by a prominent professional, lawyer Rick Collins. His web site is If you have any questions or comments, I would welcome a reply. I would be willing to discuss this, on any platform, with anyone who cares to share information. Lawyer Rick Collins would surely also welcome any discussion of these matters.

(your name)]
I will send this asap. I need stamps though. I agree that the gear and pro hormones are not that bad. I mean I was on a lot of drugs growing up and they were way worse. Ruined my life. Now I do what I do to look good, gain confidence and be happy with myself. I like the attention and I like me! Who doesn't like looking good. One comment..... POT LEGAL AND GEAR ILLEGAL???? WHAT THE F**K???
I must be missing something here. No disrespect intended to Mr. Collins, but who cares what ANYONE does with pro-hormones? We should all know by now that pro-hormones cause the side effects of real AAS without providing the benefits of AAS, ie. muscular growth.
Let us, once and for all, prevent the shysters who are peddling these pro-hormones from making a profit off of the uninitiated.
I wish I had the money back that I've wasted on them, to put toward something that worked.
Don't think for one minute that this could not come into pass. Numerous other bills have been passed into laws but grouping them in with Home Land Security issues. Send a letter to your Senator. If enough concern is put infront of these politicians then they may shoot this down if it goes that far. Most of these politicians know nothing about this subject so lets make them aware. Make sure you are profesional and intelligent with your thoughts.

The notion that this bill "will fade into nowhere" couldn't be more off-base. According to all Washington inside sources, including lobbyists and Senate staffers, this bill is considered a "no-brainer" and will pass in the Senate with EXTREME ease unless there is a public outcry of monumental proportions. Letters are great, but phone calls are terrific, too. You can call Senator Biden's office and ask to speak to his staff. Make your points about why the bill is misguided and ask them to take notes. Do the same with Senator Hatch. Then call all members of the Senate Judiciary Committee, and your own senators. All contact info is at

Rick Collins