New ban in the works


Staff member
tap water, then I think they are going to try to make oxygen a script, not sure about this one yet but i hear its coming ,lmao :dizzy:
Banning oxigen makes sense, personaly I know I'm an addict. I tried to stop once and the withdrawl symptoms almost killed me.

So mabey the feds are on the right track. Personaly I hope all the FDA people give up Oxigen it'll be better for my health and mental stability.
, now thats fucking funny! Inever gave much thought into trying to quit oxygen,
Presser, its time you gave us some good news bro. I would...........but i don't have any either> lol
good news..............hmmm

I am going out tonight to get stinking drunk before they ban alcohol again,lol, thats good news to me,lol
ATK said:
Banning oxigen makes sense, personaly I know I'm an addict. I tried to stop once and the withdrawl symptoms almost killed me.

So mabey the feds are on the right track. Personaly I hope all the FDA people give up Oxigen it'll be better for my health and mental stability.

Damn, that was a great comeback. Made me actually LOL. :D
I agree we have some witty mother fuckers on here, but no one is wittier then the wittster baby!
I have a better idea that i'm sure would be much more attractive to uncle sam.

Forget banning o2, theres no money in that....we can bottle it just like water then we can tax the hell out of it.

come on...if people are dumb enough to pay for bottled water surely theres a stadium full of people willing to pay for bottled(or ballooned) air.

Fresh mountain air from the french alps! + tax :D
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no it will never get appealed, think of the profit they can generate....i mean hell they could even put a odometer in you chest, measuring you intake.....and tax dat ass. But DON'T HOLD YOUR BREATH ON THE APPEAL (god i kill my self) the fedfucks are taking over fellas, well even more than before!

Next on the ban list:
Condoms(promotes sex)
Cough medicine
Whipping cream
Fast food (its bad for you says long term
Steroid like stuff anything that builds muscle..
and the like..but nicotine will remain legal..go figure..

This shit is outta mother fuckin control..I am voting them bastards out of office..put presser and arnold in
If you guys need a hook up on some O2 lemme know and we can work something out. The package you'll get is 2ft x 2ft with a garbage bag and a bungy cord inside.

Directions for use: Put over head and attach bungy cord to neck to secure bag. Breath in the O2 deeply you will feel warmth and light headed but don't worry it's pure oxygen. Enjoy and be sure to tell your friends where you got your O2 tent from.
Man... the title of this thread scared me. Next thing you know they'll be outlawing whey protein. Believe it or not, the stuff does have muscle-building properties.

Food... food to. That stuff really works!

My ex will take one too..extra snug..lmfao
No hard feelings towards her she thinks its a good idea to ban the stuff they do, says" they are trying to protect us" lol alcohol and nicontine kill more each year than steroids,prohormones and ephedra together do!

now that i think about it..i'll take one