new cycle(please critque)

bionic redneck

New member
i am currently 6ft 245 at 19%bf. my next cycle will be sustanon 300 and a tren combo consisting of tren ace-66.6mg/ml,tren eth-66.6mg/ml,and parabolan 66.6mg/ml. i workout 3x wk, and will be doing cardio for 30 min on non worout days. i will be consuming 4000 to 4400 cals a day. i willbe eatin pretty much the same thing every day. sirloin steak with 2 baked potatoes and some greens, milk protien shakes, hard boiled eggs,tuna fish and chicken breasts.i might therow in some bread or brown rice also. PCT will be nolva and clomid for 3 wks. i will be runnin 500ius of HCG per week also and .5cc of a-dex e3d for an anti-e and to reduce bloating.

my goal is to put on lean muscle and loose some fat. will tren help me build muscle and lose fat with the diet i have planned? should i add clen at the end? what do yall think?
Foir starters i would look at your diet a little bit more if you are3 a tru 19% bf....cut out carbs unless they a fiberous carbs, and i would cut the milk completely....protein shakes are good in water, some people dont like them but if you have a 19% bf then i wouldn't risk it....set your time for carb cut off pretty early in the day like around 5pm and no later than 6pm depending on when you finish your day out.....
If your goal is to truly lose BF , then you really need to let go of the starches, potatoes, milk(and all dairy), and brown rice. You also need a lot more veggies and greens.
What will your dosages be for your cycle?
I think if you want add clen you do it during the cycle, not at the end.
If this is not your intention, maybe you should reconsider your goals?
MMX2 said:
If your goal is to truly lose BF , then you really need to let go of the starches, potatoes, milk(and all dairy), and brown rice. You also need a lot more veggies and greens.
What will your dosages be for your cycle?
I think if you want add clen you do it during the cycle, not at the end.
If this is not your intention, maybe you should reconsider your goals?

i agree with this mmx2 here. 19%bf isnt extremely high, but it is a little more than one would like to have during the offseason....i like to be around 11-14% and maybe 15%. This is not too high, but then again some guys stay at 10% all year round. Its all in what you want. i have yet to do a show, so i havent had to cut down below 10% yet, and i have been consistantly at about 14%. If you goal is to lose BF then you want to listen to what mdtnt and mmx2 said. I cut milk out of my diet and not only do i feel better bf% wise, my damn stomach also feels alot better
Honestly my advice is to make up your mind to either cut or bulk. IMO its not possible to do both at the same time and get 100% from it. Others may not agree, but that's my dos centavos. At 245 and 4400 cals, if you are eating clean with 33% or less carbs you will prolly be shy on cals for a solid bulker.
I woud go with 20-25 cals per lb of body weight which would put you at least 4900 cals. You're not a small guy so eat like a mofo.
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If fat loss is a goal, why are you even thinking about eating 4000-4400 calories per day? Try 3000. Also what MMX2 said about starches.

You're saying you want fat loss but you've got a bulking diet.
bionic redneck said:
so should i use a-dex at .25/e3d or just nolva at 20mg/ed? i read that a-dex hinders gains. does it?

During Cycle I'll do this:

0.25mg Arimidex / Day
20mg Nolvadex / Day

No, it won't hinder any of your gains but it will keep bloat down and help prevent you from growing a nice set of man boobs.
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For diet i'd do the following:

2450 calories
306g's protein
123g's carbs
82g's Fat (all from efas)

Also an anti prolactin drug like Bromo would be a good idea, but if your running nolvadex u may not need it because it has some anti prolactin properties.
i am going for lean mass and to loose a lil extra bf. but my question is could i add some halo for 3 wks at the end for some added strength?
The diet i posted for you works excellent, i've lost fat and put on a couple pounds with it, it's 50% protein, 20% carbs and 30%. As for Halo, i'd save that for a bulker, diet is key for strength, although you will probably see some nice strength gains from the tren. I think you should run test/tren and winny, and up the cardio to around 45-60 minutes, considering your only doing it 2 days a week. If you go for the test/tren/winny combo you'll see some awesome strength gains, try running 50mg ed of winny depot. :thumbsup:
Also what supps are you going to be using? If your goin for fatloss with a couple lbs of mass, CLA and R-ALA would be excellent choices. As for a fatburner I really like Nutrex's Lipo 6 stacked with some ephedrine.
Ok then forget about the fatburner but use the CLA and ALA, and Test/Tren/Winny would suit your needs :thumbsup: .