New Drug relased for DHT blocking

some good info... curious if there are new hair loss rememdies out there... which ones seem to continue to float... the only thing i ever did was use Nizerol 2% shampoo I ordered way back when from some online source...

regardless... bump for updated info anyone might have to say
Dutasteride(brand name Avodart) is now avalible in the US. It is a superior 5 alpha reductase inhibitor to Finasteride(Proscar/Propecia)blocking both the type one and type two enzymes that convert Test to DHT. Type two is primarily active in the prostate while type one is also responsible for testosterone conversion in the skin and liver.
Finasteride is about 70% effective in blocking Test conversion,where Dutasteride is over 90%. Potential sides are essentially identical.
Dutasteride will give better protection against the developement of baldness and prostate problems than anything previously avalible. It comes in a 0.5mg soft gel dosed once daily.
I'm switching from Proscar to Avodart this week and let y'all know how it goes.

Has anyone used this stuff and if so what did you think about it?