New drug tests may revolutionise detection of sports cheats


Fuck really? How about you worry about cancer or some shit that matters.

Future Olympians could face on-the-spot drug testing as Australian researchers modify their technology for police roadside testing.

As some Russian competitors in 2016 face competition bans, Australian researchers are pioneering drug detection that could revolutionise the way cheats are exposed at the next games.

The World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) will give a grant of $224,437 to the University of South Australia and the Australian Research Council Centre for Excellence in Bio-Nano Science to change the way testing is done.

Current sport drug testing regimes rely on blood and urine, which can take days to get a result.

UniSA’s Professor Nico Voelcker said the blood tests were also quite invasive, urine tests could be adulterated and both samples could be lost or mixed up with another competitor’s.

He said the WADA grant would allow them to modify their test to detect a number of substances used to enhance sporting performance from saliva and sweat in the next year, rather than its current detection of illegal substances.

He said the aim of the new test was the same as the original project in co-operation with police.

“You want results in a few minutes,” he said.

Professor Voelcker said a few hours’ wait for results could lead to a mix-up of results or someone’s results being lost.

He also said new substances which enhanced sporting performance were coming on the market continually and the current tests were inadequate in adapting quickly.

“With our technology it’s more agnostic to the molecules,” he said.

“These molecules are detected using a laser which blasts the high surface area material, sets the molecules free and they are then detected in a mass spectrometer.

“Because of this particular way of doing it, we can detect not only one particular drug, but many drugs which might have already gone through the body.”

It comes as the International Olympic Committee last week baulked at issuing a blanket ban on Russian athletes at the Rio Olympics despite the independent McLaren Report revealing evidence of a state-run doping system in operation in Russia.

Instead, the IOC reiterated its stance that Russian athletes were no longer entitled to the “presumption of innocence’’ with regard to doping and each athlete would have to make a case to be allowed to compete internationally.

International sports federations and Russia’s Olympic Committee began announcing on Monday the Russian competitors who will be sidelined from the Rio Games over past doping offences; these include 67 track and field athletes, seven swimmers, three rowers, two weightlifters and one freestyle wrestler.

Professor Voelcker said the new test will potentially have a long shelf life which will allow it to be used in developing countries.

He said once the researchers showed the success of their testing, he hoped they would receive a follow-up grant to implement the new method in anti-doping labs.

“That should happen definitely before the next Olympics,” he said.

Professor Voelcker said the researchers were currently working with commercial partners to replace the technology police were currently using and said he believed it would be cheaper in the long-run.

The technology is also used for workplace drug testing and compliance with drug treatment programs.

“There are a range of applications for the same technology,” Professor Voelcker said.

The main peptides or proteins that will be tested using the new device include thymosin beta 4, growth hormone releasing hexapeptide (GHRP) particularly forms such as GHRP-2 and GHRP-6, peptide AOD-9604, selective androgen receptor modulators (SARMs), insulin-like growth

factors (IGF-1) and variants such as mechano growth factors.
Great to see technology progress for shit like this while other diseases and health issues keep going.

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why sell a cure to a disease once when you can make millions more selling part time remedies
The "in cooperation with police" and "many applications" parts worry me. Soon we'll see people getting pulled over for random saliva tests.