new member/ need advice.


New member
Hello, I'm new to this website, and frankly new to the anabolic area. Been around it, heard about it And researched some on certain products. Im 150lbs pretty ripped but looking to gain some size as fast as possible. I know hard work is required, as Im not new to the gym nor to supplements just anabolic area. Looking for advice on gaining some good size because this is obviously my first cycle I'm wanting to start. Any help is appreciated. Thanks you.
Can't go wrong with 500mg a test a week.
I think most would like know things like age, height, years you've been training, etc.
As to accurately gauge where your at
I'm 22, 5'9. I've been lifting off and on since my sophomore year ( approx. 5 years). I've been up to 175/lbs. Then lost All my gains due to not being consistent. As I mentioned I'm at 150 now and cannot gain. I've used numorous mass gainer test boosters creatine's all with good diet and training. I have a extremely high metabolism which causes me to burn nonstop. I can shred and be lean pretty easy. But gaining and bulking is a different story.
22? Why start so early when you still have high test and anabolic matrix in your own body? Just curious, I see older guys doing it as their test levels lower and supplement with TRT and such, but anyone under 25 I don't recommend it. However, im sure the advice your seeking will be offered up and I was just wondering why turn to AAS?
What is your diet like? Do you drink? Sleep enough? I remember when I was that age, I definitely didn't have the discipline to eat, train and get enough rest, it was party and girls lol
Please know im not knocking you at all, ive been there im just asking to keep you safe and make sure you get the best advice we can offer you.
Agreed! I would suggest going natural and making the decision to use strides later down the line! Always exhaust all other options first!
Being that I have experience starting at your age, I will weigh in as well.

I agree with Presser and PG I started at 22ish and made great gains everything was great then I got injured and couldnt really work out much for quite some time. Got lazy and took me a long time to get back in the game. I wish I would have waited till I was about 28 or so personally.

I am sure I am not the only one wondering, but how many calories are you eating a day? Not just I eat everything in sight, but do you know exactly how many calories you eat on a daily basis?

If you are gung ho on trying gear then I would recommend what was listed above. 4-500mg's of a long ester of Testosterone enanthate, or Cyp. Get a good AI on hand, can get it from the musclechem advanced supp store, and run the cycle for 10 to 12 weeks. This should yield some pretty monster gains if your diet, training, rest is on point. These three things are still key with gear or not. I have seen people waste cycles from not eating enough, then when they come off they lose it all. Also research PCT and have that on hand as well to stimulate your natural production when you come off.
22? Why start so early when you still have high test and anabolic matrix in your own body? Just curious, I see older guys doing it as their test levels lower and supplement with TRT and such, but anyone under 25 I don't recommend it. However, im sure the advice your seeking will be offered up and I was just wondering why turn to AAS?
What is your diet like? Do you drink? Sleep enough? I remember when I was that age, I definitely didn't have the discipline to eat, train and get enough rest, it was party and girls lol
Please know im not knocking you at all, ive been there im just asking to keep you safe and make sure you get the best advice we can offer you.
First off I would like to say I take everything here as advice and learning from people who no better than me. But thank you very much. I really appreciate you input. I eat lean . vegetables. Steaks, Chicken,fish, rice veges fruits. Protein shakes. Etc. Training is also good for where I'm at. My days are in splits. 2 times each, each week. So 6days a week total. I was tested 8 months ago and my Dr. Said my test levels weren't extremely low but low enough to be below normal. I have hit a plateau with strength and size gain for the last eight months approx. Mass gainers haven't been working because my metabolism is so high and creatine's haven't been working either. A buddy of mine is just now 21 and just got off a cycle and he made great gains in size and strength. Which is what turned my attention to this. I posted the exact products he used for his cycle Below.


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Being that I have experience starting at your age, I will weigh in as well.

I agree with Presser and PG I started at 22ish and made great gains everything was great then I got injured and couldnt really work out much for quite some time. Got lazy and took me a long time to get back in the game. I wish I would have waited till I was about 28 or so personally.

I am sure I am not the only one wondering, but how many calories are you eating a day? Not just I eat everything in sight, but do you know exactly how many calories you eat on a daily basis?

If you are gung ho on trying gear then I would recommend what was listed above. 4-500mg's of a long ester of Testosterone enanthate, or Cyp. Get a good AI on hand, can get it from the musclechem advanced supp store, and run the cycle for 10 to 12 weeks. This should yield some pretty monster gains if your diet, training, rest is on point. These three things are still key with gear or not. I have seen people waste cycles from not eating enough, then when they come off they lose it all. Also research PCT and have that on hand as well to stimulate your natural production when you come off.
I have had my caloric intake as high as 15000/day on certain days. I eat like a hoss. I've tried to gain good and bad. By good diet and by bad diet pigging out on everything. But 90% my diet is good. I just got off a cycle that was suppose to be bulking. Had a guy I know who is a trainer work with me and I gained 8 pounds and lost it all in one week randomly not changing anything about the cycle. I'm not really average 22y.o. I have discipline for getting the gains I want to achieve. I was told to go bad to my doctor to check if my there may be something wrong with my thyroid?

That being said, say if I used the products you listed how you listed , being my age is there high risk for side effects.? If so what might they be?
Agreed! I would suggest going natural and making the decision to use strides later down the line! Always exhaust all other options first!
I do not disagree at all. I just haven't found any other products that can bring me the gains I am looking for. Suggest anything?
I have had my caloric intake as high as 15000/day on certain days. I eat like a hoss. I've tried to gain good and bad. By good diet and by bad diet pigging out on everything. But 90% my diet is good. I just got off a cycle that was suppose to be bulking. Had a guy I know who is a trainer work with me and I gained 8 pounds and lost it all in one week randomly not changing anything about the cycle. I'm not really average 22y.o. I have discipline for getting the gains I want to achieve. I was told to go bad to my doctor to check if my there may be something wrong with my thyroid?

That being said, say if I used the products you listed how you listed , being my age is there high risk for side effects.? If so what might they be?

There are always potential side effect, the main one I would be concerned about would be shutting your naturally HPTA function and not being able to get your levels back to normal without staying on a small dose. Outside of that most "side effects" can be managed for the most part, with supplementation and research chemicals.

If you have eaten 15k cals for an extended period and could not gain weight then I would recommend getting some labwork done, to check thyroid as as well as everything else while your at it. You can see what your natural test levels are at as well.

I understand that you are focused and 100% on training, we are not questioning that or trying to tell you how or what to put in your body, we are just speaking from experience, at 22 you should already have some pretty high test levels that is kinda why we are stating to wait you should already be making some pretty good gains. So in my opinion I would listen to your friend, get your blood work done, which to me is a staple anytime I am about to run gear so I know exactly where my body/organs are at that time. Then you can post the results here as well if you would like, there are many very knowledgeable members here that work in the health field that can evaluate and also give you opinions on that as well.
There are always potential side effect, the main one I would be concerned about would be shutting your naturally HPTA function and not being able to get your levels back to normal without staying on a small dose. Outside of that most "side effects" can be managed for the most part, with supplementation and research chemicals.

If you have eaten 15k cals for an extended period and could not gain weight then I would recommend getting some labwork done, to check thyroid as as well as everything else while your at it. You can see what your natural test levels are at as well.

I understand that you are focused and 100% on training, we are not questioning that or trying to tell you how or what to put in your body, we are just speaking from experience, at 22 you should already have some pretty high test levels that is kinda why we are stating to wait you should already be making some pretty good gains. So in my opinion I would listen to your friend, get your blood work done, which to me is a staple anytime I am about to run gear so I know exactly where my body/organs are at that time. Then you can post the results here as well if you would like, there are many very knowledgeable members here that work in the health field that can evaluate and also give you opinions on that as well.
I greatly appreciate all the input and help. BC that is the last thing I want to do is mess up my natural output. That is why i joined and reached out, a lot of people my age are blindin by the fact they just want results and arent to worried about health. So i thank you and I will do so and get lab work and post my results on here for advice. In the mean time any supplements that might help me gain some size other than mass gainers like protein? Pro hormones, creatine's, anything anyone knows of?
Also I just currently was taking test-tone elite serious and dianabol elite series from crazy I noticed a tiny bit of gain but not much at all. Anyone heard?
Hello and welcome to MC btw. Sorry, I have no advice for ya, but I wish you luck and hope you find the answers you're looking for in reaching your goals.
So you said on certain DAYS your eating 15k calories? Why not everyday? I was 145 when I got out of high school at just a smidgen under 6 ft tall. When I was 19 a got serious I went from 150 to 230 ( fat I'll be it) in around a year. Totally natural and I actually competed naturally that year. I was eating over 6000 calories a day from wherever I could get it. This sport is all about consistency and stop eating like a fat kid who's trying to lose weight with chicken and veggies and start slamming pb'n'js and mc chickens from mc Donalds.

I come from your stock partner and I know how hard it is to gain because I was smaller and taller than you brother lol. If your not being consistent don't expect consistent results.
So you said on certain DAYS your eating 15k calories? Why not everyday? I was 145 when I got out of high school at just a smidgen under 6 ft tall. When I was 19 a got serious I went from 150 to 230 ( fat I'll be it) in around a year. Totally natural and I actually competed naturally that year. I was eating over 6000 calories a day from wherever I could get it. This sport is all about consistency and stop eating like a fat kid who's trying to lose weight with chicken and veggies and start slamming pb'n'js and mc chickens from mc Donalds.

I come from your stock partner and I know how hard it is to gain because I was smaller and taller than you brother lol. If your not being consistent don't expect consistent results.
For the past year I've been consistent, but the reason for only certain days is I was following a bulk diet and routine a buddy of mine who is a trainer provided for me. I strayed away and gave my self pretty much 3 "cheat days" a week to eat more than what the diet he put me on said. I have tried slammin mcdoubles and mc chickens lol I eat like. 2 medium size jars of jiff a week also haha. I have tried gaining "clean and unclean" I guess you could say. That's why I asked about the anabolic products. And also asked if anyone knows of and other supplements that can help me gain size. Do you have any other advice on specific supplements, diet or training that may help? Since you were in my position once lol
Honestly bud as far as training I think your probably doing fine I don't truly think there's like a skinny kid way to train ( Cept no cardio lol) with gainers I often would split servings in half ( cuz most are like 4 or 5 scoops) and drink that twice a day. One early afternoon and one right before bed. I actually got to the point where I got up at 3 am to drink another shake or have a big bowl of cereal. I think for us until you get the weight on its a matter of eating calorie dense things (like pb and js) ever hour or so rather than larger meals every 2 or so hrs. The anabolics will only do so much when you still have an impossible time gaining as it is.
And in reality I think you have to find what works for you instead of following someone else's plan who isint in your situation. Unless someone's been 150 lbs in our height range they just don't know lol

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You can't put premium in a corolla and expect it to run like a Ferrari right?
OK I'll give it a try with more consistent calories. Your opinion go for pump sets or heavy sets? BTW you are being a great help
Personally bro I try to push weight sometimes but never aim for less that 6-8 never more than 12-15. The more you can push for reps will obviously illicit more growth. Just challenge yourself each time and try to progress. The rest is time!

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Glad that I could be of some sort of assistance brother!