not getting caught

i was just pondering the thought of it. thanks for all the advice. i guess i'll tighten up the diet and increase the cardio. it's not worth the problems.
whopperhead said:
we have mandatory drug tests every 6 months. steroids are only tested if individual is suspect.

How do you mean "suspect"?? They can't test you just because you're bigger than other folks......
Its not an amphetamine...

I believe they are testing for metabolites in your urine and I'm sure that your body doesn't convert clen into amphetamine.
clen will not show up as an amphetamine. It might show up as albuteral, which no one is going to give a damn about. Ephedrine in extremely high doses can show up as an amphetamine.
thanks for the responses guys. i sincerely appreciate it. where i work they can test you for anything at anytime if they so choose to do so. that's why i've been clean for a long time. with all my nagging injuries from sports and lifting i wish i could take something the give me a boost. it get frustrating when you go from 430 bench (natural) and the next year you're nursing a bad shoulder and peck . . . not to mention the constant pain of a previous broken back and herniated discs (from psycho heavy dead's, squats, leg presses). in a different life i'd just hit the shit outta growth and live life like a mutant retard.