One-on-One with Steve Kuclo by FitAdina


MuscleChemistry Registered Member
One-on-One with Steve Kuclo

AZ: You’re a firefighter by trade, correct? How helpful is your bodybuilding lifestyle in your chosen career, and how did you choose this career to begin with?

SK: Hey MD!

As most of you know from the video that Robbie and I did last year, I am a firefighter by trade. I work for Dallas Fire Rescue as a Firefighter and a Paramedic.

We split our time. About half of the time, I am on the back end of a fire engine, and the other half, I am a paramedic on the ambulance.

I originally was going to school to be an automotive engineer, but saw the decline in the automotive world. I then decided to put myself through fire/medic training.

I applied to several departments in the Detroit area. This was at the same time I met my wife, Amy. Her father retired from the Dallas Fire Department and mentioned that they where hiring.

I applied and nine months later was hired. This is by far the best job in the world!

AZ: You took your class, heavyweight, at Teen Nationals in 2004. Then it looks like you took some time off the National Stage before reappearing there in 2008? Was the time off to put on size, go to school, or was it even planned?

SK: The contest history for me on MD is little misguiding.

I did start competing in 2004 and finished that year at the Teen Nationals, winning the heavyweights.

I competed in 2005, as well, at the Teen Nationals and won the heavyweight division again.

In 2006, I competed in the NPC Motorcity Championships, which was a National Qualifier, and won the Super Heavyweight and Overall at the age of 20.

In 2007, I decided to compete at the North Americans and placed top ten. This was during a big transition in my life. I had moved from Detroit to Dallas, and just started working for Dallas Fire. I had a difficult time committing 100% to the show.

In 2008, I had all my cards in line and came back at the 2008 Nationals. I placed third in the Super Heavies. This was a huge jump and confidence booster for me, to be one of the top guys in the Supers.

This is where the contest history picks back up.

AZ: Many have been expecting you to go Pro for a while now, even though you’re young. Do you feel the pressure of what others expect of you?

SK: I feel ready, now, more than ever, to step on to the pro circuit. I feel that I carry a package that is able to be competitive there. The only pressure I feel, is what I put on myself to bring my best I can and step on stage with no regrets!

AZ: At the USA ’s this year, you came in 6th. I know many were expecting you to place higher. How do you feel about your placing and the look that you brought?

SK: At the USA's, I thought I brought my best package to stage as of yet. I was the heaviest I have been, weighing in at 265.

I was in great condition, just screwed up some last minute detail stuff with water. So, I held a slight bit of water on Friday night.

Saturday was a different story, but it was to late at that point. The judging was done. I plan on bringing the same package to the Nationals, with no last minute screw ups!

AZ: Are you working with a prep guy? If so, who, and why or why not?

SK: I have several great people that keep an eye on me and help me out.

My wife is a great set of eyes that keeps me in line on my progress. She takes my body fat and calculates things out for me.

Justin Harris, aka Troponin, has been in my corner since my first show, and he still helps me out.

Art Atwood helps me with my training splits and prep as well. Art was one of the biggest guys to step on the pro stage ever, so it’s good to have him in my corner.

AZ: From taking a peek at your Facebook page, it looks like you’ve got some pretty good support at home. How important is that to you, especially during a National Contest Prep?

SK: I have the best support a competitor could ask for!

I am a huge family-person, who is very grateful for all my family and friends always being there for me.

My wife, mom, dad, aunt, and cousins don't miss a show and are always there for me. They have been there for me since my days playing youth sports.

I am also hugely grateful for having the support of MD and fans on-line.

AZ: Is there anybody you would like to thank?

SK: I would like to thank you and the MD crew for your support.

My wife is my rock and has to deal with me during all this contest prep.

My supplement sponsor Universal Nutrition is like my second family, supporting me and helping me with my contest expenses.

My training partner, Greg McCoy, Metroflex Plano owner, is there day in and day out to push me when it comes to the iron.

My family is at every show for me.

Also, thanks to Justin and Art for all their help.
love this guys youtube videos. pulling 600 for reps on deadlift just couple weeks pre contest