Pros and cons on equipoise and testosterone cypionate cycle

I agree with iron. If you don't know what your ai would be or even what a pct is I'd say stay away from the stuff till you know more about it so you stay safe
we will answer a lot of questions you may have but it is extremely important to research and find out more for yourself. you will find out all kinds of stuff looking for one thing and finding more and more stuff that will help you. so many people just into this hearing from their buddy or just thinking its all about pinning when you can really mess yourself for life not knowing. most the folks you find on here know their stuff and are willing to help so you do your part and we will do ours
Test C and EQ are what I run pretty much year round. 400 mg/wk each. I give blood ever 58 days to keep hemo levels in check.
I only knew it by post cycle treatment

yeah bro, it looks like you need a little help with planning out a solid cycle , and you came to the right place for sure, as we can all make sure if your going to do it, that you at least do it right and don't hurt yourself in any way.

So with that said, do you already have the gear your gonna use for ur next cycle or do u have access to other stuff? And LAWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS have your Post Cycle Therapy meds on hand before starting your cycle and always have some Nolvadex on hand to combat any unwanted side effects as fast as possible should they show up.

If your going to run testosterone cypionate & Equipoise, then take each twice per week to help keep your hormone levels balanced, yes you can get away with once per week injections if you like, but twice a week is optimum in my opinion.

Now your cycle should be at least 12-16 weeks if your using eq and cypionate , 16 being preferred!

if you run 500mg a week of cypionate and 600mg equipoise per week, you will be just fine!
500 mg of test c and 400mg of eq per week, 2 clomed per day for the first 4 weeks 1 a day after that I think, I have it written down at home, also antrozale* during and after, lastly clomed 3 weeks after cycle
500 mg of test c and 400mg of eq per week, 2 clomed per day for the first 4 weeks 1 a day after that I think, I have it written down at home, also antrozale* during and after, lastly clomed 3 weeks after cycle
drop the clomid during the cycle its POST cycle therapy and up the EQ to 500 atleast run it for 15 weeks and test C one week longer than EQ
bro i was asking how much in total your going to have not what you planned to take weekly, so we could see if we could lay out out any better for ya
500 test C and 600 EQ for 16-20 weeks. Easy Peasy
Me... I personally run 750 test 600 eq 20 weeks. towards the end I will throw in some Winny at 50ed for weeks 15-20
Given how much test c and eq I'm taking for a 16 week cycle, when and how much clomed and nalvadex should I be taking and when? This will be my first cycle, I'm 5'8 170
hey bro, did u ever mention your age here? just curious how old u are brutha
Given how much test c and eq I'm taking for a 16 week cycle, when and how much clomed and nalvadex should I be taking and when? This will be my first cycle, I'm 5'8 170

this is just real basic stuff here you are button is your best friend some times my friend..why not just stick with 400-500 test 12 weeks and see how you stand from there...all pct is pretty much the same...test E/C to weeks after last pin...eq 3 weeks..pct 100-100-50-50
Gonna have to agree with Charlie on this one. Being your first cycle, nothing wrong with just running 500mg test for 12 weeks and see how your body reacts. I too am curious about your age as well.