Pros and igf

That's waaaaaaaaaaaaay too much IGF. And this is coming from a guy who will slam 4g's of Test, 2g's of Nandrolone, 2g's of Primo, and 500mgs of Dbol PER WEEK!!! Without blinking an eye... not even a moment's hesitation.. and when I switch from Nandrolone to Trenbolone.. well let's just say I don't do 2g's per week.. but I dont pvssy foot around with it either... to get big and stay big.. you have to go BIG.. But !! This does not apply with everything.. especially IGF. If it's legit grade IGF your body can only process approx 60mcgs per DAY. Why is this you may ask..?? Well you have these satellite cells that recognize the IGF and then send it to the appropriate place to do it's job.. anything more is un-recognized, un-processed, and discarded as WASTE. Trust me... I thought the same too.. until I started doing extensive research on the subject until I was just about dead from sleepless nights :dead: just reading and reading.. and re-reading... finally I came upon some conclusions started experimenting... what better way to know then to apply knowledge myself.. I started out on a 6 week trial run of 50mcgs 4 times per day, boy did i ever start making gains, the pumps were excellent and I started to even out on a perfect symmetric style.. I then gave myself a break and tried LOW DOSE Protocol like I had read 15mcgs 4 times per day into the muscle group that I worked that day, and GUESS WHAT !? Same exact, if not BETTER RESULTS.. And II followed the exact same diet.. and training regimen so all factors were identical.. sooooo in my eyes, from all literature I have read, and my experimentation ... IGF-1lr3 is best done at 60mcgs max per day unless of course you have low media quality instead of high grade receptor quality.. then IMHO there is no need for anything MORE.. in this specific case, more isn't better.

**This has been my opinion on the matter**

Did you keep any bookmarks on the research you did? I would appreciate it if you could pm them to me. I have my own theories on IGF use, and so far, my own experiments have worked well, too, as they are also based on satellite cells. It seems for long term use, your experiments may prove to be correct--of course the number of satellite cells will differ from individual to individual. There is also the possibility of a short burst in which you use a large dose one time. Satellite cells possibly migrate to the area from other nearby areas considering the results I've experienced.

The attached picture shows my quads before and after I used a high dose one time. The before pic was taken that morning. I applied the dose 30 minutes before my workout, and the pic below (in double pic) was taken after the workout. I know the lighting is not the same so you can't see the definition the same, but you can see there is a marked size difference in the teardrops (at least I hope you can see it). I also did the outer quad muscles.

I have done this sort of application only one other time in all four of the quad muscles couple of years ago. Before I did the very first application, I did not have the separation I have that you can see in the second pic. That literally developed overnight. It's interesting now as I see the three pictures together since I can now see I'm making progress on my very stubborn legs.
you didnt search well then, everyone of ur questions can be found out in the igf forum brutha

u feel it within days, extreme painful pumps, vascualrity, fat loss, overall body shape change

Sigh, no massive pumps for me yet.......No change in BF up or down.
Maybe 40mcg isnt quite enough.

Hope I didn't introduce any bacteriostatic water into the MC IGF thus rendering it useless.........
Your legs do look way different than the first pic. Good separation. Ive never gone much above 60 and I can tell you the pumps on bicep day literally hurt. Sorry to hear about your accident deuce. You did have some nice symmetry but I know you can get it back.